the first date

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~Ozzy's P.O.V~ 

I was Looking after the bird brain for a bit until he got better then he asked me out on a date I said "YES I WILL GO ON A DATE WITH YOU BIRD BRAIN!" I said to him he giggles and told me to get ready and I did so while I was getting ready I saw One of his fethers on my bed so I touched it I heard a Moan beside my room "S-swad?" I asked "Y-yes L-love~" He said in a lusty tone and Fuck that was hot "You ok there?" I asked and he said he was doing just fine just heated for some reson so we went on our date I still had his fether with me ad I rubed it and he moaned softy it was cute "you sure your ok there?~" I asked and he nodded and I said ok and he told me he had to go to the bathrooms and he got up and went to the bathrooms and I was confuse how Skellatons can go to the bathrooms but it left my mind after a bit and I rub the fether more but I know sawd is in the bathroom panting 

~Sawd's P.O.V~ 

I told Ozzy I had to go to the bathrooms and I got up and went and I knew she had one of my fethers and was Rubbing it and I was panting bc I was getting heated from it I didnt want her to stop she keeped rubbing it over and over again "F-funk~" I was so close but then she stoped why did she stop?  

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