A 'straight' forward Prologue

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Shrignold was scrolling through show options while chit-chatting with Larry until he stumbles upon a movie, staring two lesbian protagonist. "oh my flippin' god.. I hate gays," He sighed as he continued scrolling. Larry was used to this behavior from his bestie, but he decided to question it that afternoon.

"What's so wrong with gay people anyways?" The obviously, not sober man questioned, fiddling with the beer bottle in his shaky hands,

"Well," Shirg put down the remote. "Ever since the beginning, it has been man and woman. It's the traditional way of love, how it should be. Not to mention that it isn't natural one bit, I mean. look at the female genitals and male genitals! This fits in that. End of story,"

Larry stiffed up for a bit after that last part. He opened his mouth to tell him about straps and butt holes, but stopped himself. That was not a story for today.

"I mean, being gay isn't natural. There have been multiple cases of homo moments with animals too. " The Lamp tried to explain. "Besides, theres more  sexualities than just being gay "" I still think being gay is just being confused," The butterfly groaned.

Larry was about to end the convo before he had an idea. "You should ask about people's sexuality. Maybe it could help you understand better,"

"I would like to see you try'" Shrig passed it off as a joke, but Larry was already into it

"If you won't hear from me, you should hear from everyone else in this house, It's better for others to explain than just one person," Larry stated. "Besides, it's way more fun than scrolling through boring movies,"

Shrig thought this through, Larry was right about the boring ass movies. It won't hurt to know a bit more, right? He thought. "alright Larry, i'm still not changing my opinion though,"

Larry smiled at Shrig taking up his opinion. He looked to the kitchen and spotted the green duck. "I think I know where you should start,"

Hey people tehee

This is just a funny thing i thought of while crying over exams

If i offend anyone with the following gender identities or sexualities in this story, please inform me on how to improve on it. Thank you!


Shrignold learns about the LGBTQ+ communityWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt