"the package"

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The last thing The 5sos boys had expected to find on their doorstep was a brown package, especially one with out a return address, but there it was, sitting patiently on the sofa.

"What is this?" Michael snorted as he stared at the package lying on the sofa.

"A package, duh," Calum said, rolling his eyes. "Let's open it."

"Are you crazy? What if there's a bomb in there?" Luke asked, crossing his arms and glaring towards Calum.

"There's no return address," Calum stated once again.

"Well I guess we're gonna have to open it," Ashton said making his way into the kitchen, the brown box in his hands.

The boys followed him into the kitchen, all taking their respected places on the table, the package still in Ashton's hands.

"Here it goes." Ashton mutters and he tears of the brown paper, revealing a brown box about the size of a apple crate. Inside there sits 5 video tapes, with labels, and a letter; all in her handwriting.

"Is this...?" Michael began, but no one needed him to finish. Thy all knew it was Finley.

Slowly, Ashton picked up the letter, and began to read;


I can only assume if you've gotten this letter, that I'm dead.

If you actually knew me, which none of you did, you'd know that for the past year I've been wanting to kill myself. And now, it seems, I have done it.

These tapes are labeled 1-5, and should be put on in numerical order, much like the other 8 tapes should be after you've finished watching these ones.

You all need to watch them together, or else it won't work. You all need to her the truth, and I'm going to tell you it."

Silence filled the room before Ashton picked up the box and walked into the sitting room, placing it down in the table before turning in the T.V and I seeing the first tape.

They huddled on the sofa and watched as the screen turned from black to static, before melting into the picture of her face.

credit/dedication : sweetheartluke

suicide : 5sosWhere stories live. Discover now