How They Show They Love Eachother

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Pudding bakes Sanji's favorite sweets and Sanji cooks Pudding's favorite dishes

Sanji kisses her on her third eye lid, while Pudding would kiss her "love cook's" swirly brows.

Sanji is still chivalrous towards women but would never flirt with them and reject any 

advances from other women. He is loyal to his one and only wife. Pudding on the other hand i

s extremely dense when it comes to men being interested in her. She simply was not used to 

the attention and always figured she was hideous. So when men were clearly trying to

 pursue her she simply thanked then and walked away. And in that same day Pudding would 

mention her multiple "friendly" encounters and confused when her husband was 

irritated at the end of her stories. Sanji had to sit her down and explain to her what their 

intentions truly were. A smile tended to wrap around her face whenever he would tell her this

. Not because she wanted these suitors but because he was so cute when he was jealous.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2022 ⏰

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