"Hey, hey, it's just a nightmare.."

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You were trembling. Your head and heart were pounding painfully as you cried.

Heizou had you backed up into a corner. You were hurt and afraid, but no matter how loudly you screamed, no one could hear you.

You were helpless.

"Shut up and stop crying." He demanded, but the tears wouldn't stop. You choked back tears, biting the tip of your tongue, hoping that would help, but it didn't.

Heizou grabbed a nearby chair and raised it above his head. You yelped, making an attempt to sheild yourself with your arms, but-

"Wakey wakey! C'mon, it's time to get up, sleepyhead!" You sat up quickly, breathing heavily, your face soaked with your tears.

You turned your head to your right and gasped. Heizou was sitting there, right next to you. The panic set back in. You'd figured he had actually knocked you out with that chair and kidnapped you.

"Hm? What's wrong?" Heizou cupped you cheeks, feeling where your tears had been. Heizou's eyes widened in shock, almost as if the state you were in triggered his own.

He took his hands off of your face, and instead hugged you. "Hey, hey, it's just a nightmare.." He said that, but it seemed he was just as scared as you were. You were both shaking, though he was much more composed than you were.

You began to cry again, and you hugged him back, sobbing into his shoulder. You weren't sure how he knew it was a nightmare right off the bat, but he was a detective.

Heizou sighed. "I knew I shouldn't have exposed you to such a shocking case so soon." You were still crying, but it made you chuckle a bit. He smiled softly. "Life's really put you through the wringer recently hasn't it?"

You felt yourself beginning to calm down. You explained the premise of the dream from your memory, and he seemed...shocked, to say the least.

He reassured you, making sure you knew that that would never happen to you, and that he would make sure of it. You nodded, though you were still afraid.

"That must've been...terrifying, I'm sure." If anything, he was more concerned about it than you were. How did you even think of such a thing in the first place? What triggered that nightmare? Was it his fault?

You were afraid to go back to sleep, he knew that for certain. "Nightmares are commonplace, y'know? Once you wake up from one, it's not unusual to be afraid to go back to sleep."

You pinched yourself softly, just to make sure that you weren't still dreaming, and that this wasn't a façade. It wasn't- He was genuinely comforting you, the real him.

How this dream came to you was one of the few cases he couldn't solve. That made him feel somewhat empty inside, physically. Like as if he were a mere shell- A vessel of someone.

Though, as his partner, you couldn't figure it out either, and it made you feel the same way as well. That, and you were hungry.

The end~!

Heizou x Reader | Nightmare comfortWhere stories live. Discover now