Narukami Shrine

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The man left after a few hours, I learned that his name was Kunikuzushi. We said our farewells and wishes of luck. I turned to face mother who was standing beside me, she was waving goodbye. "Mother, what was the meaning of Kunikuzushi coming over this morning?" I asked. "Oh well, you see dear, you're getting older now so it is a proper tradition in the l/n family to get married at 23." A proper tradition? I have never heard of that one before. Is she making up stuff about our bloodline now? Wait married?! "Mother I'm going to get married to someone I barely know?" I yelled "Do not raise your voice at me, young lady! I am your mother I make decisions for you!" Mother was always unfair, this is an example of one of her fits. I lowered my head and walked to my room. 

I sat on my bed, just sitting there procrastinating. Will I really spend my future with Kunikuzushi? He does have above exceptional features but shouldn't I get to know him first? Maybe I should make an effort. "Yes, that's it I'll go out and ask about him, maybe I'll find something useful!" I quickly put a brown coat over my dress and white-heeled shoes. I headed out of my room bumping into my mother. "Where are you off to?" she asked, "I am off to the market, mother." I lied, she nodded me off signaling me to leave. 

It was breezy, the sakura petals falling to the ground. I inhale the warm air. The market area is small but always full of life. "20 percent off! Miss, are you interested in a new perfume?" I look up to see a man roughly in his 40s. "Oh no thank you!" I smiled. "Oh please, miss I insist! I'll give you 50 percent off if you buy!" he retorts. I think about it. "Do you have anything for men? Perhaps a cologne?" I ask "For a man...? Yes, I do! This one here is my best seller, it smells of lilacs." He hands it over to me, it was truly a wonderful scent if and it would make a great gift. "I'll take it."


After asking around I learned that he spends his time near the Grand Narukami Shrine, or as I say the shrine with the scary kitsune lady; Yae Miko. This quest might as well be the hardest one I've ever started. I huff climbing up the last step "I made it! Hahaha!" I laughed proudly. I turn my head to notice my surroundings. "Oh, perhaps I should pray since I'm here.." I state to myself walking to make an offering.

After a few moments of praying for my family's health, a familiar purple-haired man comes into my range of vision. "Kunikuzushi..?" I said. He turns around "Oh, fancy meeting you here Y/n.." He says with a small smirk as he walks towards me. Was he really that short when I first saw him? "Hello! What are you doing here, if I may ask?" I cheerily asked "Oh, no particular reason. What about you, shouldn't you be at home?" "Oh well I decided that I would come and look for you-" I quickly shut my mouth when I saw her, Yae Miko, I am terrified of her. Don't get me wrong, she is beautiful there's just something about her cheeky personality that scares me. Kunikuzushi looks at me rather confused until he turns around. She stares at both of us, giving a small smirk

(Hello! I typed this in a hurry so please mention if something is wrong, but i will go back and correct it. Thank you for reading. Bye!.)

note#2: So I kind of put this story on hold to modify it but thank you to those who read it before, you might notice some changes. I also started a new book, xiao x reader its not complete but if you like my writing style please go ahead and read it! Thank you<33

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2023 ⏰

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