Chapter 1

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Main Characters: Dante (Male) and Elisabeth (Female)

Elisabeth's POV:

On a rainy day I decided to hop on my PC, chill a bit and play some games. I most often played my favorite online game and had fun doing so. While Gaming I met a lot of friends online, with some of them I called in Voicechat and with others not- depended on their personality. One day while I was playing the game, I met someone new, his name was Dante. We played a few days without VC and one day he asked me if we could VC. I said yes not expecting anything.

In the Call he greeted me with his lovely yet attractive voice.

"Hello?" he says and I just greet back. "Hey". We started playing the game, talked and laughed with each other for at least 6hours. I had so much fun and began to like him. In a friends way. With time we even met some other friends and we all started voice chatting and playing the game. My darkest days have been brightened up by Dante and my other friend. I'm really grateful I've met them. He didn't get out of my head for a while and everyday I just wanted to go home and play games with him. His way of texting was often cold, or so it seemed. He apparently always texts like this.

"You wanna call?" he texted me in discord one day. I was a bit tipsy and said yes. We called, played some games and stopped after some time. We still talked in VC about a few things. Since there was a joke between our friend group that he wanted to learn how to moan, he jokingly asked me to teach him. I laughingly declined. A bit tired I wanted to just listen to his voice and relax. Since he didn't know what we could talk about I made him read out a book to me. A smut one. Written by myself. He started reading the chapters and replaced the "Y/N" with my name. I got all shy and turned red only being able to giggle. After he finished we talked a bit more and somehow came back to the moaning topic. He suddenly started moaning my name and I muted myself out of reflex and just screamed. I unmuted myself and replied all shy "What'd you do that for??" and he just giggled. He read 3/4 chapters from that book to me and replied every "Y/N" once again with my name. After he was finished he wanted a payment for doing so. "What kinda payment are you thinking about?" I asked him and he just giggled. "Well for every chapter I read, it's gonna be 1 moan from you with at least 2 of them with my name. My mouth opened and I was too stunned to speak. "Are you for real?" I asked him still kinda shy. "Yeah I am. C'mon, do it". he replies and patiently waits for me to do as I've been told. I never moaned in my life so this was a first. "You can practice while being mute" he smirkingly says. I muted myself and actually practiced moaning. When I finally had even a little courage I unmuted again and just started: "nnnghh" - I repeatedly did. I was so embarrassed and just muted myself directly. I could just hear a lil giggle and he proceeded to say "aight now moan my name, It's easy, just go like this", he starts moaning and ends it with my name. Which only made me blush more and shy. Once I've build up all my Courage I started moaning his name. Never in my life have I felt that ashamed. He just laughed and said " See, wasn't that bad, now was it?". I hid my face in my blanket and just wanted to die.

After that we kinda kept our distance and didn't talk that much. More because I felt like I was bothering him a bit too much. Some things happened in the meantime and I even kept more distance in case he would feel uncomfortable, but I still missed him every day.

REMEMBER THIS IS MADE UP. New lil story to try smith different :)

Hope you enjoyed and stay tuned for the next part <3

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