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It may have been pitch-black outside, the only visible light coming from the half-moon above, but in this place it was brighter than ever. The golden brown medicine cat Lionwhisper quietly spoke with another tom, this one with faint beams of starlight all through his pelt. This starry appearance didn't put the amber-eyed cat off-guard even for an instant, as he was used to seeing cats such as Volestream on nights like this. 

"I see you have your doubts about the future of FrostClan, Lionwhisper," Volestream began, noticing the prickling pelt of his living companion. "Some may say you are right to worry, but I... I know these cats will succeed in fulfilling their destiny. They must." 

"They are newborn kits! How are a bunch of young cats ever going to make peace?" Lionwhisper spat. "It's worse than it looks, Volestream! I used to trust you more than anyone, brother, but it seems your judgement is clouded." 

"Speak for yourself." Volestream let out a hefty sigh. "Kits grow up," he said, keeping his voice calm. "These ones will live and become strong warriors, don't you see?" 

"You cannot be certain of this, can you? What if one of these 'special' kits doesn't do what their supposed to in your view of the world. Your whole glorious plan will be ruined." 

Volestream, getting tired of this argument, finally let his anger get the better of him. "Let me speak, Lionwhisper!" he demanded. "You have seen one of these kits for yourself, have you not? You even helped Brightleaf with the kitting, I saw it with my own eyes." The other tom just nodded. "Then surely you can understand the energy pulsing from her? The feeling that she is special, and that she will do something important?" 

"Yes, but I cannot say the same for the other kits, they-" 

"They are the same," Volestream rasped decidedly. "I have spoken with the others, and they have admitted that they, too-" 

"The other medicine cats?" Lionwhisper guessed, cutting him off, and Volestream nodded.

"Right, them," he agreed. "They felt this same satisfaction when the kits were born, so now I'm sure that I'm correct about this prophecy. Return to your Clan now, speak with Leafstar. She will want to hear all of this. But don't tell anyone else, not just yet. It's too early on." 

The two brothers brushed up against each other, their pelts touching. "Help these cats follow their destiny, or it will soon rain blood."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2023 ⏰

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