Chapter 5- the party

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Today we have the party. The party in which I am introduced to his pack. Just three more hours til it starts. Great.

"Crystal are you almost ready?" Jonathan shouted from downstairs.

"I don't know what to wear!" I shout back, irritated that he won't just come up stairs so we don't have to shout.

I hear him say something but can't quite make it out. So I go downstairs.
I search for him for a little bit and find him in the living room by the front door.

"There you are." I breath after going through his gigantic house.

"Do you have a dress here?" Jonathan asks.

"No. I have the one from last night but I don't want to wear that again. But I only brought my bra and underwear for last night. If you know what I mean." I say.

"Bella!" Jonathan shouts. Again with the shouting.

A girl probably about 15 or 16 comes running. She is a little shorter than me but looks a lot like Jonathan. My only guess is his sister.

"Hey Jon!" Bella says. "Who is that?" She points at me as if I don't hear her.

"I'm Crystal. His mate. You must be his little sister." I state blandly.

"Yep! I'm 16. So we're not even that far apart." She says back.

"Okay ladies thank you! Now back to the issue at hand!" Jonathan says before I can rebuke. "Crystal needs a dress for tonight's party. You two can go shopping together. Just don't spend too much." He hands us his card and Bella's eyes light up.

"Let's go!" She says. "I just got my license a few months ago."

We hop in her car together and I use the time to get to know her.

"So is Bella like a nickname or...?"

"Yeah. My real name is Isabella Monica Greenmound. But everyone calls me Bella." she answers.

"So do you like shopping?" I ask knowing I love to shop.

"Totally! Jonathan always gives me his card when I ask. Since we are one of the biggest packs in the world we have a lot of extra money to spend. To be honest it actually is kind of boring when you have money constantly at your fingers." Bella replies."Oh we're here!"

We get out and head into the dress store. When we walk in my eyes bulged out of my head. This place was huge! It was like a bridal store but for prom dresses. All colors and all styles of dresses you could ever think of lined every rack and shelf available. Immediately I cornered the short dresses. They were all so pretty. I tried on millions of dresses before I settled on the perfect one.
(Picture is the beginning picture for this chapter it is blue and white)

It's a short white dress and strapless. A blue sparkly top to it and it is super cute. Bella picked out a light pink dress with a big bow on the side of the waste. We checked out and headed home.

"Hey Crystal! Did you get a good dress?" Jonathan asked when we got home.

"Yes but your not allowed to see until I'm wearing it." I tease.

He walks up to me and hugs me." I'm proud to call you me mate. My parents will love you." he whispers in my ear.

I pull away to get ready. I run up to our room and into our bathroom where I shower. I blow dry my hair and curl it and clip up my bangs which looks extra cute. Then I put on my white sparkly makeup and pale lipstick. Now it's time to slip on the dress. I carefully pull it up and zip it. Shoes! I need shoes. I run around our room panicking. That's when I realize my shoes from yesterday's mating ritual were white. I put the high heels on gaining about 4-5 inches of height.

I step out into our room to take a look at my full self in our mirror. Jonathan walks in and whistles.

"You look beautiful!" He exclaims making me blush.

"You're not too shabby yourself." I look at his tux.

He comes up behind me and looks at us together in the mirror. We are perfect mates. He starts sucking on my skin earning a moan from me. Then his lips travel to mine. We start really getting into it right when we here a cough. Bella stands at the door in her pink dress with her hair tied up. She looks beautiful too.

"Oh... sorry..." I mumble feeling embarrassed of making out it front of Bella.

"Shall we start the party?" Jonathan asks with one eyebrow raised.

"Let's get this party started!" I shout.

The Secret to LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora