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                                         ACT ONE                           " been a pretty long time "                                      Here kitty, kitty

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" been a pretty long time "
Here kitty, kitty

                                         ACT ONE                           " been a pretty long time "                                      Here kitty, kitty

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Punz let out a small groan when he died in valorant. He glared at his screen as Sapnap let out a loud laugh, Foolish's giggle joining in later.

Punz's head snapped up at the sound of his blinds moving, they hit against each other. He looked at his window taking off one side of his headset to hear better.

His eyebrows furrowed as he caught the sight of a gray paw moving into his room. He stood up from his chair, a sigh falling from his lips.

He slowly lifted up the blinds, carefully trying to be soft with his movements in case he scared the animal.

Slowly picking up the cat from the windowsill, it meowed in response. It softly curled into Punz's arms.

Punz reached back up to the window closing it. He should really stop leaving it open.

Sitting back in his chair, he slipped his head seat on all the way. Readjusting himself in his chair. He rubbed the cats head.

Tina- who was chilling in VC while they played- cooed at the cat.

" You have a cat Punz!? It's so cute! "

Punz chuckled, " it's my neighbor's cat, whenever I leave my window open he comes over. My neighbor works late so he can't stop this little guy "

 My neighbor works late so he can't stop this little guy "

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Hi! First chapter! It's pretty short but I SHOULD have some more out this week! Check out my other books :p

Also if anyone has a book idea or any headcannons for ANY book pls tell me!! Or if you wanna draw art I'm always open to posting it :] I love getting art/ headcannons

Period ah period uh

 𝙩𝙖𝙡𝙠 𝙩𝙤 𝙮𝙤𝙪 | punzWhere stories live. Discover now