Chapter 2

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The decision that still swayed in the air had been decided. Yes. Steve decided he might as well go to the party. Although he wasn't a fan of Tony, he thought that it would be a good chance just to get out and have a little fun for once. He could easily finish his homework on Saturday or Sunday and he could just feel free on Friday. Of course, he had to convince his mom, but he was sure she wouldn't mind.


"Honey, I'm not sure if it's the best thing for you. I'm not saying you shouldn't go, but what about your head?" Steve sat at dinner with his mom that Thursday night as Steve brought up the party. "Mom, my head is fine, trust me. Besides, what could happen at a party that would make it worse again?" Steve replied, taking a drink of his milk. "The music. It's always played so loudly at parties. I just want you to be okay for your next game. You shouldn't even have played the other day." Steve knew that his mother was right but he somewhat wanted to go to the party now, even though not even a day ago he wanted nothing to do with it. Ever since football season had started, Steve had gotten three concussions. It was helpful that his mom happened to be a nurse but at the same time, a little annoying the way she babied him, making sure he was alright. Steve felt a little bad after the third concussion because the only reason he was passed to play his last game was because he lied about the questions she asked him and the dilation of his eyes just happened to be on his side that day. He knew it was dangerous to be lying about something like that but he did the same thing last year. It was like Steve was just made for concussions because last year's season he finished the year with five concussions which seemed ridiculous- though he always recovered just fine.

"Mom, trust me. My head barely hurts anymore and I'll be fine. If I was allowed to play last game, I'll be fine at a simple party." Steve persuaded his mom and he knew it was working, "Oh darling, I doubt the party will be simple, but fine. If you say you're all better, I trust you." Steve smiled and thanked her, promising that he was fine and that he wouldn't do anything stupid at the party like drink or get laid. Luckily he was a good enough kid that his mother always trusted what came from his mouth- but he really was promising not to do anything regrettable at the party. He wasn't stupid enough to do that... unlike some other people.

"So who are you going with? Is there a girl?" his mom asked as she smiled at him from across the table. Steve smiled back and laughed but shook his head, "No mom, I don't like anyone." Steve hasn't really liked any girls this year now that he thought about it. He dated a girl last year who he became very close with, Peggy Carter, but they broke up when they both realized there just wasn't anything there anymore- though they were still friends. It was strange for Steve, he had dated girls, but there was always something that was missing, something that didn't feel right to him. He always just ignored the feeling deep down and assumed it was just that he hadn't found the right girl for him yet. However, there was one thought, Steve denied it and buried it deep away, never to be thought of, but it was still there- the idea that maybe Steve wasn't interested in girls. But it was never an option to him. He told himself that if he ever found that it was the case, he wouldn't even know what to do with himself, send himself away to a high Christian school or something of the sort. He was made to love girls and that's what he would keep it as.

"I'm going with a few friends. Plus, the football team all wants me to go." Steve added after cutting his mom short off of the girlfriend topic. She nodded and took her fork, taking a bite of her salad, "I see, and what about homework?" She always knew Steve made sure to get his homework done before he ever did anything. He was definitely not a slacker of any sort. "Well, I'll just do it on Saturday. I've got the whole weekend to do it." Steve stated, deciding it probably wouldn't be a problem holding off his homework for one day. Most people do that all the time anyway. His mother made agreement with him and let him go to the party, "And I know I don't have to tell you-" Steve knew what she was going to say and interrupted, "I already promised, I won't do anything stupid. I would never do anything like that."

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