Aaron Aces

18 0 0

Act I: The World Chalice

      The sun was Setting in the distance, vibrant hues, and an array of pastel colors plastering the canvas known as the sky, giving way to the oncoming darkness. This was what the young man could see as he peered over the cliffside, staring down at the lakeside some good fifty feet beneath him, watching as a small collection of duelists traded blows with the trading cards they'd created bonds with.

The man himself was hidden beneath a Silver cloak, outlined in royal blue. The cloak itself covered a maroon long-sleeved shirt, and dark jeans, and ended down at his high-cut boots. 
His face was obscure, but if one could peer into the hood of the cloak, they'd find he was rather handsome. Sandy blond hair, brushed well and parted evenly, all contempt to a rather well-defined chin, soft and glowing complexion, and Ocean blue eyes. 
This man watched in earnest as the small group of duelists seemed happy, carelessly playing along as one flipped a facedown card: Mirror Force as his opponent attacked with his Queen's knight. 
With a chuckle, the man laughed as the attacker found his queen's knight and other face-up monsters were all destroyed.
How he longed to battle. How long had it last been since his deck had seen play? Perhaps he could head down and challenge the winner to a duel?  Here, he sighed. No. That wasn't a good idea, was it? After all, it would stray him from his mission.
Once again, he stared down longingly at the group beneath him. He really wanted to duel.
As the current duel came to a close, he found himself in even more longing as two more of the group began their own duel. Little did he know, that while he was eager to find himself an opponent, there was one coming up on him sooner than he'd expected.

"It's always infuriating, watching another duel, knowing that's all you want to do, isn't it?"

The man jerked his head back, seemingly alert at the sound of a sudden voice, he came face to face with another man, a bit bigger than him, muscles lined his arms, barely unkempt by the black tank top and tan shorts, topped off by the strange pendant around his neck. The man was darker skinned, with bottle green eyes and short black hair. He approached the cloaked man carefully, standing beside him.

"My name is Dan, how about a duel, since I can tell you're itching for one?" Dan said, Holding out a deck box at the cloaked man.

The cloak man was taken aback at the sudden offer, standing, he took a few steps forward, before reaching upward and lowering his hood.

"I'm Aaron. I suppose I can spend a few minutes and give you a duel, Dan." The cloaked man said, pulling out a deck box of his own, before pulling out a smartphone-like device and attaching it to a wrist cuff around his wrist, suddenly causing a duel disk to materialize out of the side of the device. 
Dan Smiled widely, mimicking the motion with his own device, sliding the deck box into an open slot.
Suddenly, in an A.R. vision link, beside each player a box appeared stating their name and 8000 lp

"Let's duel!" They said in unison, and thus started the battle.

"I'll take the first move." Dan said, selecting a card from the five in his starting hand. "I'll start out by Summoning Red Gadget(1300 atk)!"
As he placed the card on his duel disk, an authentic reality image materialized in front of him, it was of red gadget itself. 

"When I summon a red gadget, I add a Yellow gadget from my deck to my hand!" He said, and suddenly, his deck spits out a card. He takes hold of it, revealing it to Aaron as Yellow Gadget, before adding it to his hand.
"I then set a card, and end my turn!"

Aaron then chuckled, placing a hand on his deck, he drew his first card. "My turn!"
He looked at the cards in his hand, a plan forming in his head. He could end the game right now, but he felt the nice thing to do would be to at least see what Dan's deck could do,
"I start with this, it's a field spell: World Legacy Discovery." 
Suddenly, the area around them changed to that of the center of a ravine, engulfed in cold black darkness.
"While I control World Legacy Discovery, World Chalice monsters gain 300 attack and defense points," Aaron said calmly, before selecting his next card. "I now summon this, it's Chosen by the World Chalice(1600 atk). It gains 300 attack due to discovery making it 1900. I now have it attack red gadget."
CHosen lunges forward, driving its sword into red gadget and suddenly, the gadget is destroyed and the number beside dan begins to drop. Dan: 7400 lp.
"I end my turn here with a facedown. it's your move."

Dan begins his turn by drawing a card, then staring at the board, then at his hand. 
"My turn, I'll start by summoning Yellow Gadget(1200 atk)! I add green gadget from my deck to my hand. I then play the spell card: Ties of the brethren, by paying 2000 lifepoints(dan: 5400) I can now summon Red(1300 atk) and green gadgets(1400 atk) from my deck respectively, however, I can't normal or summon for the remainder of this turn. I set two cards facedown, and end my turn."

Aaron looked up at the board, then lowered his head. This duel wasn't as exciting as he'd hope it'd be. Maybe he should just end it?

"It's my turn." He said, drawing a card. I start out by summoning Lee, the World Chalice Fairy(100 atk). When she's summoned, I can add World Legacy, World Chalice to my hand." 
He then smiled. It was time to go all out.
"I now set these two monsters in the link arrows....LINK SUMMON! Link 2- Auram, the World Chalice Blademaster(2000 atk)

For a moment a large circuit like structure appeared overhead as Chosen and Lee became beams of light, throwing themselves into the circuit, a light descended from the center of it, And Auram took up his sword before his opponent. Dan took a step back, growling slightly at the appearance of the link monster.
"I'm not going to lose, Aaron, summon whatever you want, I won't lose!"
Aaron chuckled as Auram's attack increased to 2300.

"By sending World chalice from my hand to the graveyard, I can add Lee from my graveyard back to my hand," Aaron said, making the exchange. "Auram gains 300 attack for every world legacy monster that's resting in the grave. His attack is now 2600. I now activate the spell: World legacy, Succession. I can special summon Chosen by the world chalice(1600) next to Auram's link marker. I then link summon again with just chosen. I link summon link 1- Imduk, the world chalice dragon(800 atk) and his ability lets me normal summon once more this turn. By tributing him, I summon another World Chalice( 0 atk). 

By now, Auram was at 2600 atk and chalice, laying in his link marker, was increased to 300.
"Next, with auram's special ability, by releasing world chalice, I can special summon Chosen( 1600 atk) once more from the graveyard! but that only trigger chalice's special ability, when it leaves the field after being normal summoned, I can special summon two world chalice monsters from my deck. So I'm bringing out Beckoned by the world chalice(1800 atk) and another Chosen( 1600 atk). 
Suddenly, a series of small attack boosts ensured, each chosen becoming 1900 and Beckoned growing to 2100. Dan gulped, becoming a little nervous.
"You're big monsters don't scare me! I'll crush them with my facedown!" He said confidently.

Aaron shook his head. I now activate my facedown: Royal Decree, with it, all trap cards will be negated. So there's no point in trying to play cards like mirror force."

Dan's eyes went wide, now looking up at the board fearfully. Maybe he shouldn't have summoned the gadgets in attack mode.

"Finally, The finishing touch, I equip Auram with an equip spell: United We Stand. He gains 800 attacks for every monster I control. since I have four, that's +3200. making him 5800 attack." And with that he nods his head.
Dan stumbled backward, looking up at Auram in even more fear. This card... had to be Aaron's ace monster!
"My three vanilla attack your gadgets!" And with an onslaught of swords, the three gadgets were destroyed.( Dan: 3400 lp) And finally, Auram attacks you directly: Edge's Blade!" He called.

In one second, Auram stood towering over Dan menacingly, raising his sword, he brought it down, slashing away more life points than Dan had remaining, Sending the other man to his knees, and claiming Aaron the victory as all of the cards disappeared.

As Aaron tucked his duel disk into his pocket, he smile before walking past his fallen foe, disappearing over the horizon, in search of his next opponent.

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Oct 20, 2022 ⏰

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