fate hurts

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chapter matches with will i find my home by juniper vale and vian izak


Eijiro, who had been dreaming about a field full of meat, that grew in chunks on bushes like strawberries, shot up quickly. The short lived dizziness quickly subsided as he looked upon the silver tinted sword, once again pointed at his chest.

He raised his eyes to meet ruby red gems and ash blonde hair, his face was still stiff from sleep but his eyes held confusion. The sunrise was still low enough that it wasn't blinding, the heavens were hot with red flames that licked at god's feet like a slobbering dog.

"I said" Ejiro turned his attention back to the blonde as he spoke in a low grumble, it reminded Eijiro to a growl of some extent.

"Who are you?" His eyes narrowed further as he held the point closer to the young dragons chest.

How to answer this? He thought, quickly mulling over thoughts and ideas in his mind. He could lie? but what would he lie about, his name? age? species? Oh! he could pretend that he didn't know common tongue. He still remembered some Dragonic from when the others would speak in it!

He would start of with something simple, this human wouldn't know what he was talking about and hopefully leave him alone. So he decided to go for a greeting, he should at least be polite right?

"Pruzah grind"

whist it was an actual language in itself, it was much easier for dragons to speak it whilst they were in dragon form, pure dragonic was more physical than anything. Whilst dragonic in human tongue was more growls and deep rumbles than anything else. As Ejiro spoke he was shocked to see that, the blonde wasn't fazed, not one bit. He kept the sword, glinting idly in the brightening sunrise, close to his chest. This made Ejiro a little bit worried, did he do something last night that made him expose his identity? no not that he could remember. Focusing his attention back to the blond, the man smirked before answering:

"dout phlita sva dragonic"

The young dragons eyes grew wide and pupils formed to slits. He knew that he would have to be careful around this man. He knew of his home tongue, his species, and was surprisingly good at it considering he didn't have the special vocal chords that grew inside a dragon's throat. and how dare he call him bad at his own language. That's a bad insult right?

The leaves collected on the floor as Ejiro pushed back towards the forest. Honeydew and fire had painted the trees with rich sunlight. Oh what Ejiro would give to have at most, an hour of basking. To find the perfect rock and let the warmth envelop him.

But no, he had to go and find that meat whether he liked it or not and how he was in a life or death situation. Where this crazy barbarian will kill him without mercy. But then again, he did give him the rest of his rations, without knowing him. Maybe there was kindness in him after all.

"Alright shitty scales, stop thinking, i can see the gears turning from here" Ejiro's head snapped towards the other "I know you know common tongue, you spoke it last night, so i ain't speaking in dragonic forever" Ejiro blinked, why was he, how did he, what?

"Clearly, you haven't eaten in gods know how long, and i presume that your the dragon that King Todoroki is going for?"

As Ejiro sat, and stared up at the blonde, he tsk'ed and walked back towards his satchel. The young dragon watched as he rounded up all of his items, checking his waterskins and his rations before tucking them into his satchel. Along with other things such as bottles and notebooks.

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