Chapter Three

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Chapter Three: Missing Brother, Flying Car

Stepping out onto platform nine and three quarters felt similar to stepping into Diagon Alley, except an excited hum took the place of comfortable familiarity in Daisy's chest. She turned to her Aunt who had emerged from the green flames with her trunk clasped between her hands.

"Here you are." She set the trunk down and looked around, a nostalgic smile falling into place on her face.

"Thanks Aunty Mary." Daisy gave her aunt a hug, they both knew she wasn't just thanking her for carrying her bag.

"You're welcome." Mary squeezed her firmly, the hug lasting longer than usual, both witches in no hurry to let go.

"Be good." Mary said, gripping Daisy's shoulders firmly as she released her from the embrace. "Be brilliant." She gave her a little shake and Daisy laughed, nodding.

"When am I not?" She joked, eyes twinkling with mischief.

"Don't get into too much trouble." Her aunt said sternly, a smile growing as she blinked back the moisture in her eyes. "Enjoy yourself, my years at Hogwarts were some of the best of my life." She told Daisy.

"Second only to your years with me." Daisy was kidding, but her aunt nodded.

"Second only to my years with you, Daisy." She pulled her into another hug, this one shorter but tighter. The platform was full of families saying goodbye, but in that moment, Daisy felt as if it was only her and Mary, how it had been for most of her life.

"I'll miss you." She whispered into her aunt's shoulder, so quiet she wasn't sure if she had meant for her aunt to hear.

"I'll miss you too."

The train was leaving soon, and so Daisy climbed aboard, finding a compartment that was empty and settling down for the journey. It was only once she had gotten seated that she realised that she hadn't seen her brother at all, not on the platform and not on the train. Daisy shrugged, she'd see him at school later, and while she definitely wanted to take advantage of the fact she would be able to spend more time with Harry, she didn't want to only hang around him and never make her own friends. As she was thinking that, the compartment door slid open and a girl with wavy hair and a nervous expression popped her head in.

"Can I sit here?" She asked anxiously, and Daisy gave her a friendly smile and a nod. "Thanks!" The girl seemed a bit less nervous as she shuffled into the compartment and plonked herself down opposite Daisy. "My name's Penelope Bright, but most people call me Penny." She smiled, extending her hand in greeting.

"I'm Daisy Potter, it's nice to meet you." Daisy replied, shaking the girl's hand with a grin which Penny returned, finally settling into her seat and releasing a sigh.

"I'm so nervous," She confided in the other girl, leaning against the side of the compartment and looking out the window, "I was honestly convinced at first it was a joke and that everyone was in on it and secretly laughing at me for believing i'm a witch."

"Your parents are muggles then?" Daisy asked, and Penny nodded in confirmation. "Wow, I can't imagine thinking I was one thing my whole life then finding out I was actually something else the whole time."

"It was a shock," Penny admitted, "but I mostly feel excited now." She told Daisy of how she had read as much of her school books as she could, finding the ones about Hogwarts the most interesting. Both girls found out they each wanted to be in Gryffindor, and that made them grin even more.

"It's the best house." Daisy told Penny—who now seemed a lot less nervous—though a mouthful of a cauldron cake, she had brought some of everything and shared it with Penny–who had never had non-muggle sweets before! "My parents were both Gryffindors, and my Aunt was and so is my brother."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2022 ⏰

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