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"Leanna! You coming?" My roomie, Gemma, asks.
"Yep!" I swallow one of the mood stabilizers, apply gold flecked eyeliner to my green eyes, and start to pin up my dark brown hair. Hopefully the mood stabilizers lasts for the Halloween parade. Don't want my cyclothymia acting up. No ghosts tonight
Flashback, 13 years old:
"Leanna, you have to sleep tonight . You haven't slept in a day."
"But mommmmmmm I feel awesome!" I beamed. She sighed, as I started to chomp up my dinner, and took out a cookie. "BREE! Want a cookie?!" I giggled again. My little sister, Bree, wrinkled her nose. "Ew. What's wrong with Leanna?"
"Remember, Bree, it's her cyclothymia." Suddenly, as I laughed again, two teenage ghosts of girls popped out of the ground. "Mom! Look at those!" I pointed and giggled, as Bree started screaming. My mom just sighed. "It's kicking in....." She muttered. "Lee, let's take your mood stabilizers."
Flashback End:
That was when my necromancy powers kicked in. I can't control it though. My mood does. "Lee! You done yet?" I then go out, dressed in my sun costume. The golden ray headband, the golden high boots with the sparkly golden stockings, and the gold dress with sparkly gold makeup. Gemma's is the same thing, but with a moon headband and everything is silver. Our hair is in spacebuns.
"Let's go." Good. At least my mood is stable. I jump in my car, Gemma sitting shotgun, and drive to the Halloween parade. There's a lot of people, including some with masks that I doubt I know. I've seen enough horror movies to not talk to them. One of their masked up faces locks on me, as they approach me.
"Leanna Darcy, right?" It's a girl's voice, and her voice is shy. "I'm Sheila. I'm in your political science course? I always wanted to talk to you! I mean, you're just so PRETTY!"
I smile. "Hey." Sheila grabs my hand.
"I know an AWESOME place! They have the best custom food for Halloween." I grin, though she starts to drag me, right into an alley.
"Sheila?" Sheila takes off her mask, revealing bronze skin, dark eyes, and cropped black hair. She flicks her wrist. I gasp at what was going on. A sharp scythe appeared in her hands.
"Leanna Darcy, necromancer, you are being arrested for violation of the natural order."
Then she leaps, almost at the speed of light, and brings down the  flat side of the scythe on my head. Everything goes black.

As soon as I wake up, I'm dressed in my clothes from the parade. In a...... cell? The walls are white, with two twin sized beds, two desks, two sinks, two toilets and two dressers across from the bed, on opposite sides of the room, which is separated by a thick curtain that is open. Though the other side has photographs and some knickknacks. And at the foot of my bed, is a ton of bags with my clothes, and some hygiene products of mine. Another girl sits on the other bed, who looks Asian, with the dark almond eyes and long black hair with bangs. She's reading a book, as she looks up.
"Hey. I'm Wren." I notice that she has a TV on her dresser, and a phone on her desk.
"We get phones and TVs here?" I ask, surprised.
"If you're well behaved, you get special privileges. Now go, I see a guard." She's right. There's a male guard with pale blonde hair and hazel eyes in a black uniform, and he comes in and cuffs me. I'm leaded through the hallways, until I'm taken into some sort of gymnasium, and I'm uncuffed. A tall, slender woman with mid-length ginger hair and gray eyes comes up on at the front of the room, and man with the same features come up as well. Twins, probably. The woman speaks, her voice high and clear.
"You are necromancers. We are reapers. You have violated the laws of natural order. This is why you're here. Now, my brother and I understand that some of you are students, so you will go to schoo here, and even be given college degrees, which is under the ruse of an exclusive college. However, you will be taken to test ways to remove your powers. The more well-behaved you are, you get more privilege, such as TV and phones in your dorms. There IS no uniform, but you must follow the dress code. Nothing too flashy,and nothing too revealing. You may not dye your hair, and you must cover up tattoos. Nothing that can be used as a weapon. If you would like your items from home, you may file some paperwork to get them. This will be your home indefinitely until we can remove your powers."
The brother continues: "You may not use your powers. I understand that many of you have some mental conditions, and you will be given medication. Do not rebel. You must comply. Dating IS allowed, and we will even host a dance. However, you may not engage in..... improper behavior in plain sight. As you get older, you may even get married within these walls."

The woman claps her hands. "Dismissed."
The  guard cuffs me, and start to lead me away to my "dorm". Wren's sitting there, a lazy grin on her face.
"Wait until you meet Emmett. He's the hottest one here. Such an ice king though."

Next morning, I'm awoken at six AM by a harsh bell. Guards surround my "dorm", and cuff me.
"Take her to the lab."
I'm dragged to a laboratory. A scientist is there.
"Lay down."
I lay down on the cold metal table. The man injects me with a burning liquid, as I scream.
"Summon something."
I focus my power, and end up summoning a skeleton. The burning in my veins increases. It's unbearable, and I shriek in pain as he injects more, smirking.
"Sweetie..... don't fight it. All that beauty is wasted on a necromancer."
He leans in close, and whispers in my ear, his breath hot.
"Don't worry, I'll take care of you." He then lets me go.
"Take her away."
I'm dragged to the mess hall, where I burst out in tears. Someone comes up to me. It's a boy around my age, with tousled black hair and amber eyes.
"You okay?" His voice is soft. I nod.
"I'm Emmett."
He takes my hand.
"You wanna get out of here or no?" My eyes widened.
"Of course I do." He smirks, and my heart beats faster, and I swear my face heats up.
"Then let's go. We have one week. I know a place where we can be safe. A place where magic thrives."
Sorry for the lame cliffhanger! There's a word limit, since this is for a contest! I'll continue this in an actual book, Shadow Warrior.

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