Chapter 7

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 It's been a few months since Uhtred left.  It's the day before Aethelreda's wedding.  Her bethrothed had arrived, she was gonna meet him in the gardens.  She would lie if she said she wasn't nervous.  

She walks out to the gardens and there she sees him.  "My lord."  He turns around and walks up to her "Princess."  She smiles "We're getting married tomorrow.  I think we should learn eachother's names."   He chuckles  "Yeah. I'm Eadmund.  She smiles "Nice to meet you Eadmund.  I'm Aethelreda."  They go and sit down on a bench. 

He turns to her "So how are you feeling?"   She takes a deep breath "I'm nervous."    He nods "Me too and i just wanna clear i don't expect us to fall in love."  She looks at him suprised "No?"  He shakes his head "No.  But i want us to be friends.  I would like to be friends with the one i marry."  She nods "I would like that."   

"Princess?"  She turns around and sees a servant.  "Yes?"  She asks.  "It's a council meeting.  Your brother wants you to come."  She nods and stands up but first turn to Eadmund.  "I will see you tomorrow."  He nods and she walks off.  

She walks into the council room and sees Alfred, Beocca and Odda the elder waiting.  

"Brother, has something happended?" She aks.  Alfred nods. "Yes, we're waiting for someone."   She looks at him confused "Who?"   The door opens and first Odda the younger and Wilhelm, an advisor who's bethrothed to marry Eadwynn.  But behind them she sees Uhtred and Leofric walking in.  She couldn't believe it, she hadn't seen Leofric in months.  All she wanted to do was to jump in his arms but she knew she couldn't do that.  

"You watch 300 men or more march clean across Wessex and you did nothing?" Odda the elder asks  Uhtred as he told them why they're here. 

"I'm here."  Uhtred simply answers.  "A messenger could have been sent in your place, a boy."  Odda the elder shouts out.    "Why did you not confront these danes?  You have men, that's your purpose, to create warriors."  Aethelreda asks him.  

"Forgive me m'lady but i have been barely given 20 men and their wives, most of whom work the fields.  It would have been a slaughter."   Uhtred tells her.  

"But you chose not to fight, we'll never know."  Odda the elder points out.    "A warrior can only die once, why die in wain? The danes have traveled from either Lundane or East Angila. Were they not being watched?"  Uhtred tells them. 

"We have been watching the ships, which remain on the Tames.  A mistake."  Alfred admits.  

"If Werham is captured, the ships will follow.  300 men will become 3,000.  My advice is that we march, without delay.  Uhtred tells them.  

"I don't recall the king asking for your advice."  Odda the younger points out.  If She could, Aethelreda would slap him across the face. 

"Leofric, my trusted man.  How many danes did you witness?"  Alfred asks.  "More than two hundred, by far.  Warriors to a man.  Werham will struggle to hold them back."  

Alfred sighes.  "The peace is over.  We have no choice but to march on Werham and pray god we arrive before the fortress falls."  Aethelreda looks at him "Brother, what about..."   He cuts her off "You will still marry as planned but it will be today before we leave."  She nods.

Uhtred looks at them "Congratulations."   She nods "Thank you, m'lord."  She could feel Leofric eyes on her.    Aethelreda turns to her brother "I need to get ready so good day m'lords."  And walks out.  

When the council is finished before he leaves Alfred turns to him.  "Uhtred, i have some news for you."  Uhtred looks at him "What is it?"   Alfred turns to Wilhelm.  "This is Wilhelm,  he's an advisor of mine and he's betrothed to marry your sister Eadwynn."   Uhtred looks at him shocked "What?"  Alfred nods "Yes, Uhtred.  They're marrying in a few days."   Uhtred scoffs "Why i was not asked on who my sister is gonna marry? I'm her brother."     "You're a dane and you're sister is a saxon woman.  I don't think she would want to have advice on to marry from you." Odda the younger buts in.  Uhtred looks at Alfred "Excuse me, m'lord."  and walks out to find his sister Eadwynn.  

Eadwynn was in Aethelreda's chambers, helping her with her hair for the wedding.  "So how do you feel, with instead of getting married tomorrow, you're getting married today."   Aethelreda sighes.  "Honestly? I'm freaking out.  Not only that i'm getting married today but Leofric is here."  Eadwynn looks at her confused.  "Wait why are Leofric here? Shouldn't he be with my brother?"  Before Aethelreda can answer, there's a knock at the door.  

"Who is it?"  Eadwynn asks.  "It's Uhtred"  He answers from outside the room.  Eadwynn stands up and turns to Aethelreda "I will go outside and speak with him so you can get ready."  Aethelreda smiles "Thank you."  Eadwynn walks out and closes the door. 

She looks at Uhtred.  "Uhtred, what are you doing here?"  He sighes.  "The danes  are marching at Werham."  She looks at him shocked "I'm so sorry.  Is Mildrith alright?"  He smiles "Mildrith is fine and pregnant."   She is stunned.  "Wait what! Mildrith is pregnant?"  He smiles nodding.  Eadwynn smiles "I'm so happy for you."    Uhtred sighes "Yeah, but that's not why i need to talk with you."  Eadwynn looks at him "What is it?" He looks at her "You're getting married?"

Eadwynn sighes.  "How did you find out?"  Uhtred looks at her confused. "Alfred but it doesn't matter how i found out.  Why didn't you tell me?"  She sighes.  "I was going to send you a letter and i should have told you earlier, i'm sorry."  "I'm your brother, i should have a say in who you marry."   

She sighes.  "Uhtred... I love you but we're very different people and i don't know if you could fix what i need."  Uhtred scoffs '"And Alfred can?"   "Yes!" She shouts out."  

"Why? Why do you trust him?"  He asks her.  "Because he's my king!"  She answers. 

Uhtred sighes "I don't buy it.  Give me one more reason why you would trust him over me.  And it can't be just because he's your king."  

Eadwynn sighes. "Fine. You're right.  He's my lover."  He looks at her shocked "What?"  She nods "I love him and i trust him more than anyone.  I want to be with him more than anything but he's married and no one can protect as a husband can."  

Uhtred sighes.  "Are you sure this Wilhelm will be good?"   Eadwynn takes his hand in hers.  "I don't know him but i trust Alfred."   She pulls him into a hug.  "Don't die."   He nods.  "I won't."

Uhtred walks away and Eadwynn walks into Aethelreda's room and sees that she's ready.  

She smiles "You're beautiful."  Aethelreda smiles "Thank you."  Then there's a knock at the door "It's Leofric."   Aethelreda smiles "Come in."    Leofric smiles at her, he so wish that he was the one to marry her.    Eadwynn smiles "I will see you at the ceremony"  She walks out and closes the door. 

Leofric walks up to Aethelreda and holds her hands.   "How you're feeling?"  She takes  a deep breath "Terrified."   He shakes his head.  "You shouldn't be.  You're beautiful."   She smiles "Thank you.  I have really missed you."    He smiles "I've missed you too."  

She looks at  him "I want you to know that i will always love you and that wil never change."   He looks at her "I'm yours and you're mine."   She smiles "Yes."    He puts out his arm "Shall we?"   She shakes her head "There is something that i want to do first."  He looks at her confused "What?"

She pulls him into a kiss and jumps into his arms and has her legs around his waist.  "Bed me."  She whispers.  He leads them to her bed.  

The wedding ceremony was brief because of the circumstances and because of it happening so early, the bedding ceremony wouldn't be until tonight.  But in Aethelreda's mind, she had already had the bedding ceremony.

Aethelreda is married!!  Uhtred knows about Alred and Eadwynn.  I hope you guys like this chapter and please tell me your thoughts.  

For Wessex!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin