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Jimin's pov

I sighed as I stood up from my bed and made my way to the window. I looked out through the window and another sigh left my lips.

I don't know how long I've been standing by the window with so many thoughts running through my mind but was brought back to reality by the bathroom door being opened.

My boyfriend walked out with towel wrapped around his waist droplets of water sliding down his beautiful body. I have that urge to go close and you know feel his body like touch it feel every part of him but I couldn't. I just stood there staring at him watching his every move till he walked into the closet without sparing me a glance to dress up. I snapped back to reality.

I made my way to the bathroom to take my shower too. I turned on the shower letting the cold water hit my bother.

This water feels like my life right now COLD. It's funny how my life turned out to be like this like it was fine 8 months ago. I was not completely happy but it was better than the way I'm living now.

I felt warm water slide down my cheek. I bit my bottom lip trying to swallow the sob about to escape my lips. I can't cry. I closed my eyes letting the tears slide down with a sad smile.

I stepped out of the shower shivering from cold hurriedly wrap my body with a huge fluffy towel and walked out of the bathroom.

The room felt empty like no one was there and truly no one was there. He's gone. I sighed again and made my to our shared closet. I picked up a random black hoodie and a skinny black jeans and made my to school not bothered about breakfast. I'm kinda used to not eating breakfast few weeks after I started dating him.

My boyfriend. Min Yoongi.

We started dating eight months ago. Like the way we met was very dramatic.


"Why is it too hard to accept my feelings for you. I love so much... Please don't leave me" a lady beautifully dressed in a blue dressed chocked out with tears pouring from her eyes nonstop. Apparently she was clinging onto a guy as if her whole world will crumble when she lets go.

" I told you I'm into men" the guy spat irritated

"That's stupid. How can you like same gender?" She asked with disgust

Deciding not to listen to their hopeless love story I made to walk pass them but a sudden grasp kept me moving. I turned to look at the hand holding me. I looked up about to say a word or two to the person holding me but was stopped when lips came crashing on mine. I owidened my eyes shocked at the sudden kiss. Ooh the lips are soft and warm. Ugh! Wth! I pushed him off about to punch him in the face when he turned ignoring me to the crying mess beside him

" See I told I was into men and this guy right here is my boyfriend"
WHAT!!! I looked at the guy who just kissed me some seconds ago with my mouth open but unable to utter a word.

"That's bullshit! You grabbing a random person and doing what ever you want can't change my mind. I know you are trying to push me away from you but that won't work"
Wow she's determined. I thought to myself

" Believe it or not we are dating and we've been together for a year now" he said

Wait hold up. I was single seconds ago how did I have a boyfriend for a year now.

" Uhm... sorry to interrupt but can I go now?" I asked trying to free my hand from the male's grasp which I did not realize have been holding me.

"No baby you're not going anywhere" he said touching my left cheek with his right hand.

" I hate you" the lady said and ran off

Wow what just happened!

" Uhm... Good sir can you let me go now? " I said trying to pry my hand from his.

Instead he turned to me tightening his hold on me

"Be my boyfriend" he said

"What! Hell no!" I screamed dragging my hand from his hold.

"Please" he pleaded. "I will pay you what ever you want I will give you just please date me." He said pleading.

"What do you take me for" I spat anger rising slowly. I mean his audacity first I grabbed me and kissed me out of the blue randomly became my boyfriend now he is offering me money to be his boyfriend. I feel insulted.

"I'm sorry if that came out wrong but believe me I mean good. I am just too desperate at the moment please help me please" he pleaded with his voice cracking as if he was about to cry.

Okay first I can't handle him when he starts crying all of a sudden
And secondly I don't know but I felt myself nodding in acceptance to his request.

"Oh my goodness! Thank you so much. You can move into my house tomorrow. Here" he said handing me his phone "your number so I can reach you tomorrow"

I looked at him refusing to accept his phone. Did he just say I am moving into his house tomorrow?
As if reading my mind he began to explain

"It's important we start living together as fast as possible I'm sorry I can't tell you the details" I felt myself nodding again

Pabo! Pabo!! Paaaaboooo!!!
I screamed in my head
Why am I accepting everything
I mean he could be a killer or I don't know maybe some one really horrible but I just accepted everything he said. Everything a total stranger said. I took his phone and saved my number as Park Jimin.

He took the phone and dialed my number confirming it's correct.

"Min Yoongi" he said

I looked at him with a confused expression

"That's my name" he added


"Yeah see you tomorrow then he said and walked off"

After I moved into his house a lot of drama happened like the woman from the night before came to his house and created drama followed by the people he said were his parents.

*Flashback ends*

That was how I became his boyfriend
Yeah and now we've been living together for eight months now.

Why am I still here? I myself don't know. I mean nobody is disturbing him anymore and the woman stopped coming to his house so what am I still doing in the house? I can't say we love each other. We... We don't love each other. He barely talks to me. All he does is go out every morning and come back late at night. He ignores me whenever I tried to start up a conversation.

I gave up trying to talk to him after being ignored for like 13 times.

Whenever he comes back I'm already asleep not waiting for him anymore to sleep together.

Yeah we sleep together on the same bed but that's it me on my side hugging myself to sleep while him on his side too ignoring my existence.

Writing is hard
To make it worse
I'm a lazy writer.

But I will try to update every week

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