chapter 1

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Here I go again waking up getting my younger sister up, finding some clothes to wear sometimes out of the donation box but hey, they are pretty much donating to me .

You see i am an orphan with my sister.  They never told us about our past the only thing i know is that they were in an car crash on there way to pick up anna and I from day care. I was 7 anna was 5 ,every day I blamed myself the time I became a teenager I started drinking doing something any teenager would do. Well enough about this crudy whatever and come to the present time.

Its 5 am im the only one awake the owners dont really care what we do but as soon as some one gets pregnant your out of here. Today I wore a salmon colored sweater, beige jeans and  well almost white ripped converse. I brushed my teeth and re-did my braid. Then headed outside I would eat at the orphanage but all they have is cereal with no tatse.

I usally get a begal from the cafe mr.mike and I are really cool he knows my struggle. I have to go down a subway station to get out to the city.

The subway station is well full of jerks, sluts, f-boys, ect. As im walking an f- boy came over.
"Hey babe wanna get a drink"
"No thanks".
"ok but we can have a little fun". He came and walked closer to me see hes one of them f-boys I hate it. I was about to kick him on his gut but he picked me up and took me to the wall.
"What are you going to rape me now"

"Its not rape if your aware of it". 
Is he really gonna do this ugh the reason I hate the subway station.

Mark was closing in on me, I wasn't freaking out why would I im used to it im not saying I was raped before im just saying I've been in this predicament trapped it happened when I was 10~ FLASHBACK
"Thank you mr.mike" I was walking back to the   orphanage there I saw a kid about 12 staring at me. Of course any 10 year old be a little bit scared over some one 2years older than them watching. I started to pick up my   pace as soon as I did that he started running I stopped at a dead end no one the in this dark alley to save me .

He trapped me to a wall each of his hands beside my head he had black hair I dont know the eyes he smiled the smile thats makes you not want to come out of the house to see whats waiting for you. 

He was about to lean in but was pulled off by a boy my age he had pale skin like me white hair and blue eyes he started punching, the black haired boy had blood on his nose and a swollenel eye thats not gonna look pretty in the morning if he makes it. 

When the white haired boy finished he held out his hand "JACK" I stared at him confused until he said "my names jack" I dont know but I gave him a hug and said
"Elsa" as soon as I realize what I was doing I stopped and blushed even if it was dark I could still see the shade of pink on his pale face by the little worn out light.

his knuckles were bleeding he had cuts and different marks. " I was about to go back to my- well home do you want to get fixed up".

Since then we've been friends even best friends.
I didn't realize the guy was on the floor and I was still on the wall some one was calling my name "ELSA" ELSA" YOU THERE are you okay do you need a doctor. " I know that beautiful husky voice from anywhere
                     Jack Frost

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