Chapter 3

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It was one week until the Twerk Du Soleil show. This was when she started panicking about what to wear. She asked her friends for help, including Alexandrine, who was glad Melaina got into IM5.

She watched #Bandcamp episode 4. It wasn't her favorite episode, but it was still enjoyable. It was very awkward for her to watch them work out.

Melaina started following 5ers and became friends with a few. It was enjoyable knowing there were other girls in the world who wouldn't judge this obsession. She asked them how the concert would be like, since one of the 5ers went to an earlier Twerk Du Soleil show.

With advice from her friends and 5ers, she was going to film most of the show. She was also advised to try not to scream, since it might ruin the video and some 5ers might get mad.

That night, she invited all her friends over. It was about time they hang out together.

When they arrived, they watched Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief because they all thought Logan Lerman was hot. After that, she talked about the upcoming concert she was attending and started to freak out a bit. She surprised her friends by inviting Alexandrine, since they all know she was just a big of a fan as Melaina was.

"Wait, are you serious?" Alex asked, clearly surprised at the sudden question.

"Of course," Melaina responded. "I do need someone to be my concert buddy." Melaina nudged Alex and Alex started hugging Melaina.

"Wow thank you thank you thank you," Alex rambled.

As the night continued, they did their nails and continued to talk about whatever was on their minds.

Melaina & Alex had an idea to show them more about IM5 because they both couldn't resist the fact the would go to Twerk Du Soleil.

They started off with the Disney Dudez series, where the mimicked the dialogue and choreography as best a they could. Because of this, it was difficult for their friends to watch what was on the computer screen.

Following that, they played all their singles, including the well-known "Don't Run Away." All of their friends knew this song so they were jamming out to it, not caring about their dance moves.

As the night ended with "Heartless", Melaina thought about how much fun the concert would be. She knew the concert would be full of energy. Even Todrick's set would be whimsical and creative for the modern age. So she knew she shouldn't worry. Plus, she was not meeting them, just watching them do what they love.

Melaina's friends left at a very late time. Alex decided to stay and sleep over to talk about the upcoming concert.

"Do you wanna go shopping tomorrow?" Alex asked.

"Yeah I'm free tomorrow anyway," Melaina responded.

Silence filled Melaina's room before Alex spoke up again.

"I'm so excited to see them," Alex stated.

"Alex, don't forget it's Todrick's show too." Melaina laughed.

"I meant everyone performing," Alex clarified. Another silence and another topic started.

"So, how did you fall in love with IM5?" Alex asked.

"I actually heard their song 'Heartless' and I continued to listen and watch videos of them," Melaina responded.

"I actually fell in love with those weirdos by stumbling across their original Christmas song from 2013." Alex stated. "And I instantly saw Cole and just...I don't know. He's just so hot!"

"I can relate. I just lost it when I heard and saw Will. He's so sweet and his voice his angelic." Melaina could go on and on about Will if Alex was up for it.

Melaina saw Alex staring at her with a smile on her face.

"What?" Melaina questioned, completely confused.

"You know what, you actually fell harder for this boyband than I did. You even seem like you've been a 5er longer than I have." Alex said before yawning. She looked at the time. It was a little past midnight.

"Well I'm tired so we should sleep now," Alex stated.

They both got into their beds. They slowly drifted to sleep. But there was one lingering thought on Melaina's mind: the amount of dedication she gave to IM5 in a short amount of time. She fell asleep without finishing her thought.

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