Part 33

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W: Didn't you have commitment issues when you and Jay first started dating

E: I did

J: You just had to bring that up

W: I was just saying

E: It's fine i had a lot of issues i needed to work out and we did together any thing else will

W: Yea please forgive me for being an ass

E: Why should i

W: Cause we used to be cool and it hurts that my own niece won't talk to me

E: That's between you and Elizabeth but the next time you betray my trust and talk about me behind my back again i  will cut you

W: I wouldn't  but where would you cut me

J: Don't ask her that

W: I wanna know

El: Cut your work hand and ruin your career

W: what

Jo: that's cruel

El: not really puls daddy you can use him as your dummy

J: that would be great

W: For what

J: To put you to sleep

E: You can't teach her that

J: Why not

E: she's gonna put that poor little boy to sleep every time he humbug her

El: That's the hold point mommy

E: That's your daughter and You teach her what ever you want

J: Really

E: Yep cause I'm gonna laugh when she does it to you write idiot on your forehead with the my lipstick you like

J: At less i would smell like marshmallows

El: It taste like it too

SH: You eat lipstick

El: i was playing in mommy's make up and i put on some and it smell like marshmallows so i taste it and it it was good so i ate it

E: Yea an Had her lips and teeth red and lied about eating it You guys wanna see

EB: Yes

Erin took out her phone and pulled up that picture showing it to Jay first then Then passed it around

J: Baby girl the evidence  was all over your face

El: I was still a baby

JO: You look like 2

E: She was and that's when my sweet adorable and quiet baby disapped

M,S,Ma: terrible two

E: Yea

B: All toy had to do was put a backet over her so she could ran over do anything notty

E: You don't know how much times i wanted i wanted to tie her to her bed cause they don't make handcuff that small

El: I wasn't that bad mom

E: You was like you daddy when someone piss him off and the only thing that keeps you quiet was food and playing with tianna

J: I'm not that bad when I'm upset

E: Let see the first case we worked together  the guys hit you in your face and you beat the shit out him

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