• Chapter 2•

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Espresso opened the dorm room, earlier he had found out him And Madeleine where dorm mates. The dorm had two loft beds Espresso went to the one on the left side of the room

        •After the unpacking and decorating•

Espresso sat there with a bottle of Mocha ( because him drinking an espresso would be basically be cannibalism )

" I think that's why you can't sleep Espresso " Madeleine said probably texting his girlfriend. " I mean idk, my sister gives it to me" Espresso said remember Latte was a teacher there... Espresso was just laying in the middle of the floor. madeleine joined him at some point, he would be annoyed if it didn't feel quite nice to have human interaction every once on a while

" you paint your nails? " Madeleine said looking at Espresso hand. " Yea, idk got bored felt stressed did it to feel better " he said sighing.
" did it help? " He asked. " I guess? " Espresso responded. Espresso stared at the roof

Someone banged at the door, " huh? " Espresso said as he got up. He swung open the door Seeing Latte. " Hey hoe, what's up? " Espresso said it came natural to call his sister a hoe-

" ESPRESSO YOU CALLED A TEACHER A SWEAR WORD- " Madeleine blurted. " what teacher? " Espresso wondered. " I think he means me- " Latte said. " oh, yea forgot you where a teacher. " Espresso says glancing at Madeleine. " ooOoOoo is he your boyfri- " Espresso covered her mouth.

" Latte, we met like maybe two hours ago. Maybe even three. " He said rolling his eyes. " Welp bye bitch " Latte said walking away.

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