Episode 2

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"You shouldn't argue with your husband."

"You should keep your voice low before him."

"Don't do that...it's not too ladylike."

"Don't be picky. Always try to satisfy him."

Sanem was tired hearing her mother's bickering on how to keep up with her future husband. She couldn't concentrate on her book. She had an important exam yet all her parent's focus was on her marriage with Jan Divit. Specially her mom who was trying to evolve her into a perfect wife for that man. Sanem picked up a choclate cake on her plate to eat when Mevkibe snatched it from her hand in a flash. She was shocked to see her mother infuriated over her eating a cake.

"Why are you being so stupid Sanem?Here I am trying to make everything easier for you and all you are doing is to make worse. Why are you so selfish?"

She couldn't believe her mom speaking those words to her which she didn't deserved. She was trying her best even though she had a mental breakdown yet her mom had the audacity to call her selfish?

"Anneim why are you creating a scene over a piece of cake? I am listening to you and trying my best."

Her mom dumped the cake in the dustbin before her eyes. "Because eating junk foods can make you fat. You will look ugly. And it will piss Jan. He won't like you. You have to be perfect before him. For us,for your family."

That was it!Sanem slammed the table surprising her mother. She was hurt. She was done with them. "You shouldn't call yourself my mother. You failed me mom. I am the one whose going to give myself as a sacrifice. And you call me selfish?Don't do that, don't say that.... tomorrow you will say don't breathe and I have to do that. Since when did you became so pesky?You were to protect me. But you and baba failed as a parent. Business came first for you. Know what,I am severing all relationships with this family. It's better to marry that beast then to stay in this namesake family."

She walked off not bothering to look at her mother's reaction. Mevkibe was startled by her daughter's outburst. She felt tears pooling in her eyes. Sanem was right. They had been too pushing over her. Everything was happening wrong in her family. First Dalma's backstab and now Sanem openly cutting ties with them.

Sanem slammed the door storming on the road. It was almost evening and heavily raining in the town. She was feeling suffocated in that home. She hated to call it her home. Home means solace and support. Exactly what she felt she never got from her house. First they engaged her with Ates who came out to be a jerk. After getting cheated by him for multiple times she had forgiven him. Yet he slept with her own sister and that too on her own birthday. Things couldn't get any worse when Jan proposed no ordered her to marry him. Her dreams,her wishes and freedom everything was going to be chained. She stopped at a corner slamming on the wall and covering her face to break down into tears. Every moment she spent with her family came floating before her eyes. The moment when her parents dropped her to school for the first time,the moment dad consoled her when she was injected due to sickness,the moment when they made her feel special everything was a drama. All they considered their daughters were as a prize money. She could understand why Busra never mingled with them too much. Why she kept herself aloof from this family because she had discovered how selfish her parents were!Sanem thought it weird for Busra never eating with them together or joining in a family get together.

"Sanem?Is that you?"

She felt someone flashing a torch on her face. Her eyes wandered at that direction to see it was Osman,her bestfriend Aiyhan's brother who ran a meat shop in the colony.

"Why are you out on the rain without an umbrella?The temparature isn't good."

She rushed to him breaking down in his arms. He was surprised by her sudden act. Sanem was like a sister to him and through Aiyhan he knew how messed up her lovelife was with her fiance. But he was oblivious of the present.

"Calm down Sanem......lets drop you to home."

"I don't want to go there."

She miserably pleaded him. Osman was clueless what to do. He certainly wasn't going to leave a girl all alone in the streets that too in that weather.  "Okay,then come to my house. Aiyhan will be there. You will feel better talking with her."

She nodded before walking with him. Unaware of the fact that someone was noticing them closer. And that person wasn't liking the scenario.

Aiyhan was surprised when her brother brought  Sanem back home. She was drenched in rain and sneezing badly. After getting her clothes changed she gave her a bowl of hot chocolate drink.

"You sure aren't catching something?"


But Sanem's red face and uncontrollable sneezing failed to convince Aiyhan. "What happened?Brother said you were crying out there on the road?Is it Ates?"


"Then?Did you fight with your parents?Damla said anything?Or you failed a test?,"Aiyhan tried to think of all possible reasons to which she disagreed.

"My life is stuck in a mess.......,"Sanem finally opened her mouth."I  am getting married to Dalma's fiance."

"Ohoooo!!Whatt?!!You mean that rude bastard?"


"I don't understand nothing. Please elaborate.......what happened all of a sudden?"

Sanem unwillingly told her the story. She was in tears and Aiyhan couldn't help but feel bad for her bestfriend. She tried to pacify Sanem who was in need of a mental support."Don't cry.........it's a mess for sure. But you need to be stronger."

"I have already accepted my fate Aiyhan. And I don't want to escape from it. I don't want to be stronger. I just want to sleep. I am tired,"she sobbed as she expressed her wish.

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