Episode 10

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Days had pass already. Her patience was losing. It was the seventh day since Jan had gone. Sanem had gone to attend a business party. She refused it at the beginning but Denis was forcing her  Mr. Fabri was the host. Sanem was feeling nauseous in the environment. Loud music,gossips and the smell of wine. She wanted to puke at the moment.

She rushed to the washroom to lighten herself. After washing her face with cold water,she felt better when she heard footsteps behind her. Looking behind she gasped seeing Mr. Fabri standing there. Agitated a bit,she hardened her face,"What are you doing here?This is a ladies washroom."

He smiled shamelessly checking her from top to toe. Sanem felt disgusted. Somewhere her sixth sense knocking her adrenaline. He walked near her. "I know.....but I knowingly came here."


"Yes. You don't give me the attention I need. So, I wanted to speak to you in private. You are beautiful Miss-"

"Mrs,"she snapped in between.

He looked cold for a second before smiling evilly,"Mrs Sanem.....but what's the use?I know your marital life is on the rocks. And you don't deserve a husband like him. I can give you everything -"

"That's it...I don't want to listen to you. I am leaving,"she said walking past him.

"Think twice.....it's me who got you in this position. And I can get you on the roads if I want in the same way."

Sanem realised her mistake. Jan was right. This man was evil. Before she could understand anything he pulled her pinning her on the wall.

"Tonight you are mine Sanem. I had my eyes on you since the very first day I saw you."

"No ..leave me,"she tried to fight him but her head was spinning. She could feel her energy draining to zero when someone pushed away Fabri from her. She looked at the person who had pinned him on the floor beating his shits out. It was Jan. A few other officers entered the scene pulling him away. Fabri was arrested in charges of fraud,sexual Harrasment and blackmailing. All his past cases were reopened and it was seemingly Jan was busy gathering stronger evidences against him. Now that he got one,he was kicking Fabri behind the bars. Many other female employees of his company started opening against him.

They returned home. Everyone was surprised to see Jan but he said," am not in a mood to answer."

They silently ate dinner. Jan was gobbling like he hadn't eaten for days. But nobody had the courage to poke him. Everyone retired to their respective room.

Sanem watched Jan angrily spitting on his face as he brushed back his hairs. He was sweating. His muscles ripping from the shirt. She couldn't deny he appeared thousand times more handsome when angry but she felt her fantasies gone when his eyes pierced at her.

"So,you were liking it when he was touching you?"

His blind accusation broke her heart.

"I missed you Jan....can't you hug me for now?"

"Go and hug that Fabri. After all,I am a chauvinist,egoist and what not!"

"I am sorry. Please....."

"No. Just get lost."

"Then divorce me."

"So,you can go to that Fabri?"

"Yes...So I can go to Fabri... I don't need an useless husband like you,"she equally screamed at his face. Jan lost it and carried her on his shoulders before slamming her on the bed. Sanem watched him unbuttoning his shirt and gulped. His eyes dark as he looked at her like a predator.

"Tonight I will screw your brains out."

Holy shit,Sanem felt heaven as her husband marked her. Biting her here and there angrily as she cried letting him mark her. She felt pain and pleasure at the same moment as she screamed his name.

"Jaannnn please stop I can't....."

But Jan wasn't in the mood to stop. He was deprived of her attention,her love and warmth for so many days. She disobeyed him in many ways that hurt him. And his limit was broken when he saw her getting assaulted by a manwhore who was soley responsible for their rift. He paced up thrusting her like an animal, venting out all his anger as she kept writhing under him. Sweaty and naked, screaming his name which he wanted to hear. Her mouth should speak his name. Something needed to happen. She was to be his completely. And for that he needed babies. Their babies. He violated her womb with his seeds. Sanem felt him stop and thought it ended but he whispered near her ears,"This isn't finished sweetheart. I would screw you till you be unable to walk tomorrow. And this is your punishment." Sanem gasped feeling him inside her once again, digging into her womb. She wanted him that much as he wanted her. He spanked her back as she cried,"You have grown wild kitten. Next time you don't ignore your husband."

He squeezed her nipples. She was exhausted but satisfied getting him back after so many days. Once he was done lying beside her,she got on top of him eying her sexy husband.

Jan smiled cheesily watching the naked goddess,"Stop gawking at me."

"I don't want this moment to end. So,I am taking you to make it memorable."

"I am all yours wifey."


The next morning Sanem woke up in his arms. He was already awake looking at her face, smiling.

"Good morning."

"Umm...,I love you,"she whispered snuggling into his chest. But then embarrassment hit her as she remembered something. "Oh nooo....no no no....we should have been careful."

"What's wrong?About what?What are you speaking?"

"I was screaming so loudly last night."She covered her face. "They must have heard us."

It took a little moment before Jan realised what was she speaking. He bursted out laughing surprising her. "Babe don't worry.....my room is soundproof. I made it so for my own work."

"I was scared....thanks God otherwise I wouldn't be able to show my face,"she spoke.

"Honey,can I ask you something?"


"Have you lost our wedding ring?"

"Nooo....I just kept it hidden to make you jealous,"saying she got up covering in bedsheet. Jan watched her opening the cupboard and taking out the ring. She flashed it before him and than slipped it on her finger.

"I am sorry for not believing you." She said hugging him.

"It's alright. We can start from the beginning."

Fabri's company was sealed. But Sanem continued selling her perfumes. She started her own business and launched her products. This time Jan supported her. Within a span of years,her business flourished.

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