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"I'm on my way home from school," I say to my best friend Savi over the phone.

"Well, text me when you get there." And beep. She hung up. We've been on-ice lately. We were planning to talk it over tonight. The problem was that she thought her boyfriend was making eyes at me. PFFT! Like anyone would take a second look at me! I have fat legs, a tummy, small boobs, long frizzy brown hair, and freckles. The only good thing about me is my eyes. My father always told me I had the most beautiful eyes. He was an albino, red eyes. My mother has blue eyes- and I... have dark purple eyes. I know it sounds genetically impossible, but I do. My father also said that with my eyes, I could see into others, helping them see themselves. Whatever that means...

I turned at the fourth corner before my house, I still had three more blocks to go. I saw some cars ride by, and then I saw the smoke... It was coming from the direction of my house! I began to jog, staring at the dark grey smoke that didn't belong in this peaceful neighborhood. Suddenly- a guy who looked my age- took my arm and yanked me in the opposite direction!

"What the hell do you think you're doing!? Let me go! I need to get to my house- I think something's wrong!" He continued to ignore my protests as I failed to pull away from him. He was practically dragging me! "Hey! LET ME GO!" I bit down on his arm, and he yelped in shock.

Even with that he refused to let go. "Don't worry. I'm here to help," he whispered only loud enough for me to hear. This made me forget about resisting him and focus more on questioning him. What the hell is going on? I'm so confused.

I looked at him, taking in his features. He had unusually straight red hair, and crystal blue eyes hiding behind glasses that made him look sophisticated. "What do you want with me? Just who the hell are you?! Why are you taking me this way? I need to get home!" I asked him.

He stopped walking for a moment, giving me a look of apology and staying silent. His hair... His hair! It was changing color! Only slightly, but still noticeable to me. It seemed to be lightning to a bleach blonde...

He finally decided to speak up, "You and I... are special. You just haven't unlocked your gift yet," he gave me an apologetic smile, "There are certain things I can't mention to you just yet, so please, be patient and follow me."

I yanked my arm away, "But you didn't even tell me your name, and yet you expect me to believe you and follow you to an unknown destination, assuming you're just going to help me?! This is irritating," I put on my sarcastic face and looked him in the eyes. Whoa... I didn't even meet his eyes! It went far beyond the ice blue pools... I could see he was struggling, somehow, with not telling me everything. When I looked past that, I could sense his name.

"...so... Your name is Max." I smirked triumphantly. He looked startled and slightly annoyed when I said this.

"...seems you are in tune with your gift after all." He rolled his eyes and looked off, seeming to be debating something as he continued walking. I decided to tag along.

As I looked around me, I noticed a definite change in scenery. The houses were becoming more and more upper class. Definitely the Richey-Rich neighborhood.

Max snapped me out of my trance by, you won't believe this, leaning over and resting his forehead against mine! His hair color darkened, becoming the exact shade as mine too! 

"What the hell?! How did you- What are you-!?" I was freaking out. I only just met this guy and now he's getting close and personal. My bubble feels violated.

"Relax, Kat. I only extended my gift to learn your name and some other important things. As normal people say, 'an eye for an eye'," He winked at me. WINKED AT ME. Who does this guy think he is?

"Excuse me, but the other half of that saying is 'an eye for an eye makes the world go blind.' And for one, I didn't even know what I was doing!" I huffed and crossed my arms as we walked on.

He laughed a little, "Didn't you ask what my name was?" He gave me the I-know-you-did look.

"Um...-! Yeah, I did..." I grew confused with what that had to do with the tea in China.

"Well, we are almost HOME, so... -Well, they have to tell you the ins and outs- I'm not allowed to. If you break rules here, you die," he gave me a serious look and then an apologetic smile, "...sorry... this is the way things are now that everyone has come of age. I know it sounds weird, but once you reach 15, you unlock your gift whether you like it or not..."

He seemed depressed as he said this,, his hair darkening to a grayish black, but he noticed my expression and tried to explain himself quickly, "-You asked earlier why I was pulling you away from your house. The truth is... if you had gone home after school today, you would be dead alongside your parents and brothers... I'm sorry, but it has been the same with all of the survivors... Taken away from our families only to find out they have been murdered. Sometimes I wish James had let me go home that day..." he glanced in my direction. I guess that I didn't realize it, but I was tearing up like a rain cloud before storm.

My parents... my brothers... they're dead...? They can't be... 

"Kat...? It's not okay, what the 'white coats' did, but all of us have to live with it." He said turning his face away from mine. Somehow, just by looking at him, I could feel his pain in my own. I put my hand on his shoulder as we continued to walk. He turned to me, and I could see he was crying... And I realized I was crying myself...

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