Chapter: 0

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Hey guys Crimson here and I like to welcome you all to the newly improved Capture Hearts to which I had to rewrite all the chapters to fix mistakes such as dialog, character actions and the scenes that take place. As for right now, only three chapters have been rewritten. and to be honest, I can't believe how well I'd improved them as I had to fix the chapter 'Is This Love?' as there was couple of mistakes that needed fixing for the upcoming chapter. But while I was writing the upcoming chapter, I then though I might as well do the same thing with the other chapters. This was a great decision while I was comparing the new and old, I could tell the newly one is superior and it makes the scene much better and easy understanding of what's happening. Anyway, I certainly hope you guys will enjoy the newly made chapters

Nagisa and Kanzaki's meeting

One Year Ago...

Yukiko P.O.V

After climbing all the way down the mountain. I was now at the front gates of the main campus and I knew straight away that I should get away from them as quickly as possible before I encounter of the students from the other classes. Unfortunately, I crossed paths with a group of three girls who decided to walk up to me which they'd surrounded me, so that I couldn't escape and I already knew what's about to come. "Look girls, an ugly bitch from that pathetic loser ass E-Class came here to play with us. Does she really think she can wander around here like as if she owns the place. Know your fucking place you Class-E slut!" Once I heard that come from the girl in front of me, I just kept quiet as I knew saying anything to them will only make it worse. "What? Can't the little slutty bitch talk to us or is that you think your better than us?" The girl on my right had asked me while she'd insulted me. "Please... Please just leave me alone, I did nothing wrong and I just want to head home." I told me which caused the girl in front of me to forcefully push me to the ground, causing the other two to laugh. "Who the fuck do you think you are?! Your nothing but an ugly bitch that should return back to her farm where you belong you Class-E bitch!" The leader of the three girls insulted me again and the others continued to laugh at me. ("Why do they allow this type of abuse to happen to those in E-Class and why can't we stand up for ourselves for it?") I asked myself while the girls continued to mock and throw insults at me.

As the girls continued harassing me, one of them stopped and walked over to my bag and I knew what she's planning to do. "Lets see what you have in your hiding in your bag shall we?" One of the girls had asked me as she picked up my bag and started completing emptying it to which I gotten trained by the leader and was made to watch as the other two trampled on all my stuff. "NO! Stop it! Stop stepping on my stuff!" I yelled to which they ignored me and continued to trample on all my school equipment. "Why? What's the matter you whore? Your scared on getting your books damaged, even though you could easily buy new ones with a slutty body like yours?" The leader insulted me again and all I want to do is run away.

One minute Later

After the girls had stopped trampling everything I'd had in my bag, they'd all started to walking away while laughing, leaving me to pick up all my damaged school equipment, causing me to sigh. "This is just perfect.... Now I have go and buy new school equipment to replace the ones they'd broke..." I told myself along with another sigh to which I starting picking up all back up and placing it into my bag. However, I immediately heard footsteps coming towards me which caused my heart to beat faster out of fear. "Are you alright? Do you want any help?" Once I'd heard their offer to help, I turned my head to face them and it was a girl who was all by herself and she looked concerned about me. "No thank you... Just leave me alone already... I already know your planning to make fun of me and that your just pretending to be concerned about me." I replied to her and to my surprise, she crouched down and started to picking up my stuff that the bullies had damaged and I couldn't help but stare at her as was she being serious about helping me?

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