Chapter 10

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"Maybe we shouldn't fight yet, we aren't prepared." Ginger sounded worried.

"It's worth the battle to get rid of those stupid Darkrise cats." Smoky argued.

"Ginger is right, as usual." Glacier glanced at Smoky, "It may take a few days to learn more about them. It will be easier to defeat them if we actually know their weaknesses."

"Doesn't sound like they have many weaknesses," Smoky pointed out, "I say we just go for it. Fight them, and get rid of them."

"Everyone has weakness. And we can teach you more about them." Anwen stepped up, Asmir beside her.

"Should we really let these outsiders do all the work?" One of the orange tabbies of Sunflare that they had seen before jumped in front of them, "They probably don't know how to fight!"

"Hey!" Smoky hissed.

"Don't be rude, Tiger!" Anwen snarled, "Of course they will do great in battle. They just need to learn about Darkrise clan."

"Ugh, this is like kitten school!" Smoky complained.

"This is just to learn how to save everyone. Do you want to get killed by powerful evil cats?" Glacier pointed out.

"Yeah. And think about the tribes!" Ginger agreed.

"Yeah. We need to save everyone else!" Glacier smiled.

"Whatever." Smoky growled.


"So, make sure not to get hit by their lightning claws. They can mind-control you... if they also have the Moon Mirror." Anwen explained.

"Haunted probably has it." Asmir told them as well.

"That evil idiot. I will find her, and she will wish she never messed with anyone!" Smoky exclaimed, hissing.

"Maybe she doesn't work for Darkrise clan. Maybe it's-" Ginger was cut off at the end

"A misunderstanding. We know." Smoky finished, "But stop trusting her, we know her secrets now. She is a bad cat."


"Ha! We are much more prepared than them!" A voice snarled from the dark clouds.

Storm was watching over the quest cats from the Darkrise base. She whipped her head around when she heard Mystery, his yellow and orange fur almost invisible in the darkness of the cloudy skies. Though it was hard to see anything there. Just the way Storm liked it. Her own gray fur blended in, too.

"And now we know their plan. They want a big battle, they will get it. Very soon..." She hissed under her breath as she spoke.

She turned and snarled when she heard footsteps, only to realize it was Haunted.

"Got it, guys!" Haunted exclaimed. She brought in a small necklace, it was black with a lightning charm.

Storm rushed over and grabbed it in her paws.

"Uh- use it wisely. You aren't going to go and get some other ancient evil cat, to go and kill anyone?" Haunted worried.

"We are going to battle. We will only use it for clan members if we have to. There's no one else we would be giving this magical object to anyways! It is ours now!" Storm hissed and ran off, away from Haunted.

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