I | bittersweet reminders of the past

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He hated it. He hated everything about it. What he hated the most was the fact that he couldn't do anything. He was about to become a king and yet he didn't have any power over his own life.

And all he could do was just politely smile and shake hands with all the powerful (and hence important) people coming into the Ignacian castle to attend to the three most important events in his life - his 18th birthday, his wedding, and his coronation. Three things he could be excited about if everything was under his command. If they were his choices. However, we can't all have what we want and so all three events were organized by Acronix and Crux - twins that were in power until the prince turns eighteen. Which was tomorrow.

He didn't even have his sister there to be with him. The last person he had. Last family. Woah, what a great way to start off the week!

Fighting back all those sad, disappointed, and angry feelings wasn't the easiest task but no one pointed anything out. Either because he managed to keep his act up or because they thought it won't be polite. Kai liked to think that he got really good at masking his emotions. Gotta have something, right?

The constant yelling of names and places was going to turn his brain into mush. The voice and its echo were getting on his nerves along with all the posh royalty coming and going. He didn't know them and they knew him just because of the 'tragic' story and about 90% of all the visitors were there just to form alliances and make convenient connections. It was all an act. No one cared about the supposed purpose of their visit.

Kai knew two people who would truly care. Thing is, one of them is busy and can't come until the coronation and the other is someone he hasn't seen in years. They'll probably never see each other again, it wouldn't be surprising. Acronix and Crux weren't very keen on the idea of Kai keeping in touch with the other kingdom. Because all that they got from there was trouble, was their reasoning. But despite their long-lasting distance, he could bet his throne that years ago Cole would actually care about such big milestones in his life. That he wouldn't come just to benefit for his own kingdom. Though that was just how the monarchy worked, he figured.

People exploit others to get themselves on top.

He shook another person's hand, the action becoming too automated. There was no energy, no effort put into his welcoming words. Why should he bother? Neither did they, after all. It was all a formality. An act. Kai always thought he could rock it in the drama group.

He didn't even invite anyone of the people that were suddenly at their doorstep, shouldn't it be Acronix and Crux welcoming them when they needed everyone here so desperately?

He missed his sister, they haven't seen each other in so long. The words from the letter were reappearing in front of his eyes again. Of course it hurt, but what can he do?

Just suck it up, Kai. Just suck it up, it'll be over soon. Just a little longer...

And just when he thought his mind couldn't get any number, the voice he began to loathe was what pulled him out of his trance. The irony, huh?

"The king of the Mountain Kingdom, Lou Brookstone, and his son, the prince of the Mountain Kingdom, Cole Brookstone!" called out the master of ceremonies. Suddenly the whole hall fell into silence. Or so Kai thought. His heart dropped, taking his stomach along the way maybe with some more organs. He hasn't heard that name in ages. He didn't even know the Brookstones were on the guest list. Well, they must've been, surely he didn't just mishear. Or maybe the guy misspoke. But how would you manage to say their whole names along with the kingdom instead of something else? No, it must've been real. Or maybe he was dreaming. Yeah, that seemed reasonable. He could be dreaming about Cole again, nothing unusual.

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