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I woke up with my hair all over my head lying on the chest of my husband who snores like a chainsaw whenever he passes out. Thankfully I fell asleep as soon as we finished so that I could not hear him start up. I looked around and found his shirt since my little shirt was torn by my husband.

After I went and took a quick pee, I went into the clubhouse kitchen to grab some coffee. The party was over and everyone who stayed behind was passed out drunk on the floor, table, stripper stage, and pool table. I grabbed the bottle of Aspirin and took two before fixing my coffee and popping my pills quickly.

"Good night?", Gemma's voice made me jump slightly but not too much. I was still a little sleepy so I could barely understand what was going on.

"Um, yeah. Coffee?"

"Nah, I'm good." She took a quick hit of her cigarette and blew smoke upwards. "Clay told me you and Tigger were having a little lover's quarrel."

I sipped my coffee as my headache began to dull a little but I could tell my eyes were slightly bloodshot and my hair was still messy.

"Just needed a little attention," I smirked at the reminder of last night's events. "Plus we had a kid free night. I know you know about getting back into the groove of things, Mama Gemma."

She smiled at the little nickname that had grown on her because not only did I say it but the girls did as well as my kids. Her relationship with Stasi was rocky but I was told to keep her from knowing how things were going to end up. I had to pretend there were no issues. I gave her a quick side hug and kiss to the cheek before walking back into Tig's room.

"You want breakfast, baby?"

He groaned. The room had artificial light since it was in the inner parts of the clubhouse so I turned the lamps on to get his attention. He groaned even louder.

I came over and sat on the bed near him. His curls had grown out and covered his face just a little. I pushed those dark curls behind his ear and rubbed my thumb over his cheek.

"Baby, wake up."

"Nooooo", he whined.

"Okay, well come home when you're ready. I need to go and wash this off of me plus I have two beautiful babies waiting for me at home," I took a small sip of my coffee and set it down on the bedside table. He could drink it when he woke up.

I gave him a kiss to the forehead and grabbed my things.

As I was walking out, I ran into Phil and he put his head down as soon as he saw me. His cheeks and neck had turned red. I didn't even say anything just let him go.

"Hot mama! You know you have the sexiest screams ever?", Happy joked as he clung to whatever SweetButt he had slept with.

I gave him the finger as I kept my head down and kept walking until I reached my car. Stasi, the boss bitch, waved to me as she stepped out of her car looking as big and beautiful as any pregnant woman could. I sent her a kiss in my haste but kept it pushing.



"In here!", a familiar voice called out.

I rolled my eyes as my mother sat in the babies' nursery holding one on each knee as she cooed softly to them.

"Mom, I thought you were going to call before you come over? I didn't get a call," I placed my hands on my hips.

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