A Beginning

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Are you the kind of person who asks why or how? How did we all begin or why it is important. For me it is unimportant, for I was there, at the start of all. That bold canvas, unpainted, obscured and hollow. No warmth or cold to defy touch, no sense of existence save a long spiralling sense of consciousness.

Until finally it began.

A Light singularly shone, filling the deepest depths and furthest planes, extending into and through the beyond. All know of this light, but not of its true name or nature. Every race, every species, every life believes in this light. All have some intrinsic memory hidden deep within them, that tells them of this.

That light still burns bright before my eyes. It's luminous rays eclipsed creation, ripping apart existence as it gave way to the host of countless planets that traverse the universes, spinning and pulsing, filling the vast void that existed before.

It was true. Beauty.

But before this beauty in the nothingness, 'we,' were born. Me and my, 'brethren'.

That light that all seek to remember was the start of a long journey, a journey that has brought me from a beginning to an end.

My journey to understand death, in all its faculties.

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