Chapter 5

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Eren said, "Well it was when I was a Junior in high school 17 years old and I went to grab the newest book series written by Levi and they put it so high on the shelf and I couldn't reach so...a tall man helped me... only for me to see Erwin...". Sasha laughed and said, "dang you are that short ''. Eren huffed and continued, "Anyway, I was quiet at first until I smiled softly at him and said, 'Thank you' and he was like 'who know me huh?'. I showed the book with his photo and nodded and said,'I am a big fan of you
and other authors' books...'. Levi was right there and I saw him and smiled at him and said,'you must be Levi...'. Levi smirked at me and said,'oh another fan...that's lovely...brat'. I only pouted at him. He smirked at me and said, "i was joking brat...calm down". I only smiled at him and nodded. We talked for awhile, until a karen made fun of my outfit and interrupted me when I was talking to Levi and Erwin. Sasha said, "so you've been friends for how long?". "Uhh around 6 months'', Eren said, with a smile. Armin said, "Worst way of confessing as well". "Oh shut up, so were your boyfriends". The two friends agrued a bit. Jean and Marco laughed a bit.

They had class again, but this time 4 hours of Science, Miss Zoe, was both History and Science, Mr. Arlert was Math, and Mrs. Petra was English. After class and school was over, I went to work and I opened the cafe. A lot of people entered. I took their orders and they went to sit down as I heard the bell and said, "What would you like madam?". "A colossal Latin Dark Coffee to go please", she said, politely. I nodded and took her order. I gave her the drink and she left. I sighed in relief a bit. I heard ringing from my phone and saw it was a call from Erwin and answered, "hey honey what's-". "We got in a car crash and Levi is in surgery right now'', Erwin said. Eren said, "What? What even happened?". Erwin
explained how they were on the highway, there was a drunk driver, and he hit them. Levi swerved to the side and they both got in the crash, Levi got glass near his eye, maybe he might go blind in that eye. Eren
said, "Okay baby...". Eren hung up and teared up and said, "I will be back, I will be somewhere for a few days or so".

Eren took the car and drove all the way to the City of Rose and went to the hospital. Eren entered and said, "I am here to visit Levi Ackerman?". "Room 319 on the left, second door, third floor", the woman said. Eren rushed up there and opened the door to see Erwin and Levi talking. They saw him. Erwin said, "Hey honey". Eren hugged them and said, "You worried me!!". Erwin said, "Babe...". Levi said, "You drove all the way here brat". Eren said, "Yes, just soon after Erwin called me". Levi hugged him and said, "Hey...I am okay". Eren kissed him softly on the lips and said, "I know and I am glad you are". Erwin said, "Still can't believe you actually drove down here". "Hey...I wanted to see you two...I actually
missed you okay", Eren said, with a pout. Erwin smiled and kissed Eren on the forehead.

Eren smiled softly as they headed home. Eren was hearing Levi and Erwin being lovey dovey in the backseats. Eren thought,'calm down Eren...they are lovers as well'. Eren was slowly getting jealous as he was hearing them, and as he had to hold in his tears. They got home and entered the cafe, Eren was making coffee for Erwin and Tea for Levi. He still heard them all over each other and was getting angry
and went upstairs after giving them their drinks and slammed the door loudly. Erwin and Levi heard this and went to check on him. They heard Eren talking to himself, "Stop being jealous's fine...they
love you as well...but Why must they flirt with each other...Ugh!! I am being jealous over something stupid". Levi opened the door and said, "you brat". Eren said,"Hey, what's up?". Levi said,"You randomly took off and slammed the okay?". "Yeah I am...", Eren said, lying. Erwin said, "That's a lie".


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