I'm currently walking to school, it's 07:27 am. Im pretty early. It's not rare for me to be early though, since I'm always 15-10 minutes early. As I walk over the bridge and start getting near the park I remember the economy assignment the teacher sent us.

Shit. Did I send it in time? I check my phone and see that I did, indeed, send it. Thank god, I mean, it's 7 in the morning and my mind is most definitely somewhere else. I check the timetable and see what I've got for 1st period, history. Normally I would find it as something that's kind of boring, but in this case it's something very different when the teacher comes to class after having smoked a cig.

Maybe 2, but that's besides the point because the most random stuff happens in those classes. I don't know about you but scaring your students in the midst of an exam is not an everyday thing. While I'm thinking I realize I'm almost near the bus stop that's a couple steps away from the school.
It's the 2nd day of school and I only spoke with a few people from my class, those I already knew from the past year or when I was younger.
As I reached the school gate I saw Angie, even though that's not her real name, she would rather be called that. I approached her and said hi. She looked up from her phone and smile at me, as she took out her earphones she told me:
-I've been reading a manga in Portuguese cause those bastards couldn't upload it in English. They also uploaded it in Arabic and I don't know about you but I don't know shit about Arabic.

I laughed and asked if she understood anything about what she was reading.
She didn't respond to me though,instead, she opened up the manga and started reading in Portuguese.I tried containing myself from sounding like I was sneezing instead of laughing but the way she was exaggerating the pronunciation made it impossible for me.

By the time we started having a normal conversation a few other friends approached us and we all entered the school. We got in the class and took our assigned seats, I sat beside a girl named grace, she seemed quite intimidating even if she was shorter than me.
The teacher also came in the class and as he entered he looked at me and said "I know you" with a smile plastered on his face.
Of course he remembers the student that almost fell asleep last year in one of his classes.
He also looked at Angie and Olivia and said the same thing. He started explaining the evaluation criteria and then started explaining the introduction unit. While he had his back turned I looked at Danielle and made a silly face. She started laughing silently and soon made a funny face too. What could I say? Sure the teacher is kind of funny and he's also got a great sense of dark humour but when he was in a serious mood the class would eventually get boring.

After the class ended we headed to theatre, religion, art, catalan , spanish and finally maths. I stayed quiet during most of the classes and observed more than I talked . After I got home I did my homework, had dinner and showered. I got in bed and started thinking if I should try to become more of an extroverted person, but not too extroverted, since I still needed to have a full day of staying at home without doing almost nothing.
Thinking about it, I did talk to a person I never met before. Grace.
Instead of being an intimidating person, she was actually lovely. She seemed shy, calm, but also a very funny person. While I was thinking I didn't realize my eyes started closing and I soon fell in a deep slumber.

An Introvert becoming an ExtrovertWhere stories live. Discover now