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Riley bolted upright, before staring at her surroundings. Within a couple minutes, her eyes adjusted to the darkness. She noticed Shadow sleeping right nex to her on the bed, her chest rising slowly, showing she was still asleep. Riley's heartbeat started to return to a normal pace, realizing where she was. Flashes of images from her dream coming back to her.

Pictures of the body she saw in the car that was parked on the side of the road still haunted her, even in her sleep. What continued to pick at her was knowing that the car was probably in the same spot, with the body rotting within.

Sitting up, she brushed away the strands of hair that fell around her face. As she did, she noticed Autumn laying on ground, asleep near the bed. Figuring that she probably joined them after Gerald came back from retrieving their things. The bags on the side of the room made it clear that she was right. It made her feel at ease having her friends around her. Riley then glanced at the clock next to her, reading that it was six at night, she realized she only slept for about five hours. Knowing the reason to not having a good days rest, her thoughts brought her back to the car. It was enough to put her on edge. Questions kept coming up in her head. Who is in the car? Are they dead? And most importantly, if they were, who killed them? Was it really that Joshua guy?

Deciding that it is best to walk it off, she gracefully walked around the room, being sure not to make a sound as she made her way towards the door. As she closed the door, she looked down the hall. Having to be one of the first ones to sleep, she wasn't sure which rooms the others were in. All she could do was hope that they were downstairs with Caleb and the guys. The only thing that came to mind at the moment was to check on Daryl.

Riley walked softly on the cold wooden floor, looking from door to door. It was obvious that she couldn't remember where Daryl's room was, but she did keep note that there is a yellow floural picture that hung on the wall next to his door. She made sure to at least remember that as she passed by his room before she took a nap.

Riley walked around for a few mintues, hating the fact that this house was so huge. It was pretty obvious that she had no idea which way she was going. A part of her wanted to just turn around and go back to bed, but she didn't fancy

laying in that dark room just yet. The only thing that she wanted at the moment was to find Daryl's room and then head downstairs and hope to find someone to see if she could get something to eat. Finally, after walking around

like a lost puppy she finally found that yellow floural picture hanging on the wall.

Making sure to be quiet, she gently opened the door, and inhaled sharply as it creaked open loudly. As the ligh from the hallway peeked into the room, she saw a figure laying on the bed. Happy that the door didn't wake him, she tip

toed into the room. Afterwards, she settled herself on the chair that was put next to the bed. Although the room was dark, the moonlight shinning from the window was enough to light up parts of the room. Riley sat there, trying to observe in the damage Daryl had from when he fell into the ditch. She noticed there wasn't any scarring on his face, nor his arms that peeked out from the white blanket that covered most of his body. Figuring that most of the damage was probably done to his lower half of his body, she sat there debating

if she should take a peek at his wounds. Her curiosity egged her on to check but she wasn't sure if it was

appropriate seeing as how she wasn't exactly his close

friend. Deciding against her better judgement, Riley reached her hand towards his chest, gently pulling the

white sheet down, trying her best not to wake him.

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