chapter 13

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Panic sets in as bubby realizes kiwi wants to harvest her. Why would a random stranger online want to kidnap her?!?! It made no sense. Then she remembers murder is legal in Canada. She must leave Canada before its too late!!

Kiwi walks out the bedroom door and sees micheal sweeping the floor.
M"hi bubby like your new space"
B"oh i love it XD"
Micheal nods and resumes sweeping the floor. She heads over to a door that says kiwis office( totally not a l dungeon). Bubbys dumbass brain opens it and sees cages, knives, guns, Ammo, toxic chemicals labeled on bottles, and dozens of taxidermied humans. She walks over to one and it has a tag that says "gloopy the fish" bubby doesn't think twice and looks at the one right beside it titled "bong tok jesus". Bubby freaks out just a bit as she realizes these aren't any human taxidermys. THESE ARE KIWIS PREVIOUS DISCORD KITTENS!!! Bubby was next she knew it. She heads to the front door to escape this nightmare. On her way out she glances over to see a mircowave.

Any hope of escaping is gone.

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