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The importance of importance.

You need to be important to matter to the world.

And mattering is the most important thing to a human.

To a regular human.

You see, to some, they'd rather rot away or blow like dust in the wind, unimportant.

And so, the natural response is to say ¨don't do it, don't leave, don't run away, don't die, don't hurt yourself, you matter¨

Some don't seem to want to matter.

They feel sorry for not wanting to matter,

Still unmeaningly expecting sympathy.

When someone expects sympathy, someone else might call them an attention seeker.

It's not attention seeking. It's attention craving.

All beings crave attention, human or not.

So why shame something for needing attention or asking for it?

Why do humans do that?

Because they're hypocrites.

I am not human, I am not an animal, I am a state of existence.

Even states of existence need attention.

To have importance, you need to matter, and to matter, you need attention.

Everything craves to be important, even if it thinks it doesn't, even if it's nonhuman.

And everything, every word, every action matters in the fate of the universe, the path it goes down.


Guess what.

Everything is important.

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