School day

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A/n: A/n means authors note. Y/n means your name. F/f means Favorite flavor. F/n means friend's name. N/n means Nick Name. M/n means mom's name. D/n means dad's name. Gm/n means grandma's name. Gp/n means grandpa's name. Au/n means aunt's name. U/n means uncle's name. C/n means cousin's name. Na/n means nanny's name. S/n means sister's name. And b/n means brother's name.

Warning: Swearing. 

Your POV

I was currently sitting in my 4th period class, as my bitchy teacher was teaching us the migration of animals. She was seriously the worst, she never helps us, she never lets us help each other, and she doesn't explain it to us if we don't get it. Believe me we've all complained about her to the principle, vice principal, even the guidance counselor! But they won't do anything! Everyone breathed sighs of relief when the bell rang, we all hurried out the door, all breathing a sigh of relief that her class was finally over "Y/n! Hey! N/n!" I turn my head to see my friend's F/n, Devon, Katie, and Damien coming towards me "Hey guys! What's up?" "Nothing much" F/n said giving me a sly smile, I frowned "Is this about the blood bucket prank? I told yall--" "that's not what we're here to talk about!" Damien said, as I looked at him in confusion. "Then what are you here to talk about?" "Girl! Didn't you hear?! Apparently, our homeroom and history teacher 'Ms. Fredrick' Managed to convince our principle that we deserved a long field trip!" Devon said putting his arms in the air, I smiled. "Seriously?! Where are we going?" "Nobody knows it's a surprise!" Devon said, "But Ms. Fredrick gave us a hint. Apparently, we're going to a Themepark that's also currently having a festival." Katie said, still reading her book. "Do you guys have any idea's to where we're going?" I asked, as Devon smiled. "I think we're going to BREAKFAST WORLD!" Devon said jumping in excitement "Oh we're definitely not going there, idiot! It's literally halfway around the world! Besides it hasn't had a festival since, like the 80's!" Damieon said, slapping the back of Devon's head "Well, based on current evidence, I believe we're going to Oddworld" Katie said looking up from her book, I asked "Oddworld? Why?" "Because it is within a close proximity to where we currently are, and apparently it is having a festival such as of now." Katie said, closing her book. The rest of us looked at each other "Well.... I guess we might be going to Oddworld, then! But when are we leaving, and how long are we even staying there?" "Well, Ms. Fredrick told us that we would be staying there for the weekend. As well as Thursday and Friday." F/n said, as Devon put his arm on Katies head, as if it was a head rest. "Yeah! And apparently, we're going tomorrow after school! --" Devon, remove your arm off my head, before I rip it off your pathetic excuse of a body, and shove it up your ass!" Katie said giving Devon a death glare, as he hurriedly removed his arm from her head "As I was going to say before, why that soon?" "I honestly have no idea N/n, but at least it's soon!" Devon said, his energetic mood returning. Before Autumn, the hall monitor, came over to me and handed me a permission slip "Here! The permission slip for the field trip!" "Autumn, girl why you always yelling?" "So people like you can hear me! Y/n! " Autumn said, as my eyes just widened. She smirked, and walked to another student, giving them a permission slip, still yelling. "Damn, just damn " "My words exactly Y/n. My words exactly" F/n said putting their hand on my shoulder. The bell rung signaling it was time to go to last period, as we all walked to our separate classes. Promising each other, to call after we were done with our homework. 

(Time Skip) 

I smiled getting off the bus, waving the bus driver off, as I walked to my front door. The smell of pie filled my nose, meaning only one thing. Grandma and grandpa were here. "Grandma! Pop Pop!" I said running into the kitchen seeing my grandparents cooking pies. "Oh, hello Y/n, my precious grandbaby!" My grandma said, gently grabbing my face and kissing my cheeks. As, my grandpa walked over and ruffled my hair (Sorry if your bald) "It's nice to see you, after so long N/n" My grandfather said as he went to the oven, taking out a fresh F/f pie, suddenly I was almost knocked over, when my cousin came barreling out of nowhere, getting chased by my little sister "You idiot! I'll teach you to mess with my dinosaur toys!!" S/n said attempting to grab C/n but missing each attempt. The chase finally ended when S/n managed to tackle him to the floor grabbing the collar of his shirt. "Your dead." S/n said darkly, raising her fist. But before she could get the first strike in, our nanny 'Na/n' Grabbed the back of her shirt, and lifted her into the air, preventing her from hurting C/n. "I seriously have no idea what's wrong with you kids and your thirst for blood" Na/n said, walking away while still holding up an angry S/n. I looked at my cousin with a raised eyebrow, "C/n, we only see you, Uncle U/n, and Aunt Au/n every few years, but whenever you come here you decided to ruin your family bond with S/n by messing with her dinosaur toys, even though she has warned-- no, threatened you numerous times to stop. But you never do, resulting in S/n to go into a blind rage, and attack you, and must I add the last time you did this, you ended up in the hospital with a broken arm and a serious concussion. So, might I ask, why? What's the point of messing with S/n, if you know it's just going to bring you endless pain in the future?" C/n stared at me silently before growing a devious grin.

"Because I like to see her get set off over some toys"



C/n giggled evilly, before getting up to run somewhere else. I just shook my head, as I sat at the dining table. Before my mom came into the room "Hey sweetie, how was school?" "Oh, it was fine! Anyways, can you sign this permission slip?! It's so I can go to a Themepark. My friends and I think it might be Oddworld!!! " I said almost instantly, as I handed her the slip. "No way! You guys get to go to Oddworld?! That's so freaking cool!" My cousin said coming into the room, with a jealous S/n following after him. "Lucky!" My mom continued to look at the permission slip, until my father entered the room "Of course you can go? Right dear?" "Oh?... Oh! Yeah, yes of course you can go!" I pumped my fist into the air. "YES!" "BUT!" My mom intervened, as I crossed my arms. "There's always a catch..." My dad chuckled, as my mom playfully rolled her eyes. "You'll need to pack some snacks in case you get hungry, some extra clothes because you never know, some money so you can buy things, maybe a First aid kit? Maybe you can bring some books, so you don't get bored, maybe your Flintendo switch, and maybe some coloring pencils, oh and some pepper spray!" My dad looked at her nervously, "Hun, I think you're going a bit overboard..." My mom shook her head. "Well, I'm just saying, you never know when you need pepper spray." I chuckled, "Mom, I don't think all those things will fit in my bag..." She crossed her arms. "Well, you can always bring more than one bag!"

*Time Skip*

I had put the last of my clothing into my backpack, as I zipped it up. I wiped my forehead, before I spotted the pepper spray bottle on my desk. "Well.... I guess it wouldn't hurt to bring it... Just in case." I grabbed it and placed it in my backpack, I noticed that F/n was calling. I picked it up only to be transported to a zoom call. "Hey guys" I greeted, as Devon smiled at me excitedly "Yo! What's up Y/n?" Damien waved, " 'Sup Y/n?" Katie greeted me mundanely "Hello, Y/n!" F/n greeted me as well, happily "Hey Y/n!" I then ask, "So you guys' finish packing?" Devon froze, "Dev?" Damien asked, as Devon continued to remain silent. "Devon?" Damien asked once again, as Devon averted his eyes from the screen. "Devon Louis! Don't tell me you somehow forgot to pack!" Damien said, Devon stuttered, "N-no?..." Damien raised an eyebrow at him, Devon stuttered "M-maybe..." F/n groaned and yelled, "Devon!" Damien then said, "You were there--!!!" Devon yelled, "Shut up! I was too excited!!!" Everyone glared at Devon. Katie spoke up, "Well you better start now, it's 7:06. Or else you'll be too tired to have fun on the field trip." Devon sighed, "Okay yeah, I should probably--" Suddenly Devon's older sister walked in "I already packed your bags, because you clearly forgot, you dumb ass." Devon glared at her "Hey! Don't call me a dumb ass!" Devon's sister shrugged, "Don't yell at me for telling the truth." Devon's sister left, as Devon sighed. "Well, I guess I don't have to pack then!" Devon smiled, as Katie sighed. "How unenjoyable, I was quite excited to see your misery." 


"Shut up Katie." Damien said. F/n mocked him "Aw~ Look at little Damien defending Devon~" Damien blushed hardly, while Devon blushed lightly. Damien yelled at F/n "S-shut up!!!" I rolled my eyes and sighed "Anyway I gotta ask an important question for our friendship. When you go to a movie theater, and you get popcorn, do you get regular butter, extra butter, or no butter?" Devon smiled "I put skittles- Wait, no, not skittles. Oh! M&M's on the popcorn!" F/n deadpanned, "Okay I'm gonna remove Devon from this call." Devon looked shocked, "Wait, please--" 

*#P4rty_Ma$ter_Dev0n was removed from the call*

Everyone laughed, Damien smiled, "You didn't give the man the chance to explain himself." I let Devon back in on the call as he glared at the camera angrily. Katie chuckled, "Well at my movie theater when you get your popcorn, it has that thing on the side that lets you put your own butter on it" F/n then yelled, "Bro! My movie theater took that away!" Devon frowned, "Wow I wonder why. They probably were like 'Oh no, here comes F/n again!'" The five of us burst into laughter. "Y/n time for bed, t's 7: 30." I turn back at my mom, "Okay mom." I turn back to the screen. "Sorry, guys I gotta go. I'll see y'all tomorrow." I waved goodbye as they all said "Bye Y/n!" I closed the call, and shut my laptop. I placed it on my desk and plugged it in. I then got dressed into my pajama's and laid down in my bed I shut off the lamps and looked up at my ceiling. I smile, "I can't wait for the field trip!" I then start to frown, "But... I have this strange feeling somethings going to go wrong..." I sighed, "It's probably only my imagination..." I felt my eyelids grow heavy as I fell asleep. 

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