Field trip gone wrong

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A/n: Y/n means your name. F/n means friend's name. And N/n means Nick Name.

Warning: Swearing, bus crash, gore + blood.

Your POV

I was currently sitting in my school bus, having fun with my classmate as we all were on a field trip to ODDWORLD!!!!!!!!!! "Okay yall! This is gonna be the banger, yo! I like haven't been to Oddworld since I was a kid!" Devon said waving his arms in the air. "Devon, watch where you're flailing those skinny-ass arms, dude!" Adam said, shoving one of Devon's arm's back "Hey! I do not have skinny arms!" "Bro! Your arms look like they were on a deserted island for 100 years without anything to eat!" This made Devon gasp dramatically, as we all looked at the two. Damien glared at Adam. "Adam, leave him alone." Adam rolled his eyes. "Actually Adam, it takes up to 8-21 days for someone to survive with no food, so there's no way someone could survive 100 years without eating anything. " Kate said looking up from her book. "Oh, shut up, shortie "Adam said, making everyone gasp, as they looked at Katie whose calm expression had changed completely " What did you just say?" Katie got up from her seat as, Adam looked at her in fear. Katie lunged herself at Adam, who let out a girl scream. Lucky for him, Josh, Emily, Charlie, and Natalie held her back before she could get to him "Oh you want to go you prick?! huh asshole?! Then let's go! Square up!!!! SQUARE UP WITH ME ADAM-" "Enough! That is enough!" Our teacher said loudly, making all of us turn to look at her. "This is not appropriate school behavior! So, either you two calm down, and watch your language or I'll turn this bus around! Now, do I make myself clear?" Katie gave Adam a hard glare, before speaking "Yes, I'm sorry Ms. Fredrick, I won't let it happen again," Katie said, as she walked back to her seat, picking up her book again "And you Adam?" Adam still shaking, replied "Y-yes Ms. Fredrick, I- won't ever do it again" "That I doubt, but I'll except the apology anyway." Mrs. Fredrick than sat down at her seat and picked up her phone. Katie glared at Adam, who froze under her stare, Katie calmed herself down before muttering under her breath "尻穴" (Translation: asshole) The whole bus was in silence, clearly still in shock about the drama that just unfolded, everyone was either clinging onto each other in fear, or they just sat there with their mouths agape, some like Skylar and Skye were even recording. Everyone soon began talking again, some of my classmates were even telling more bad jokes, and just like that everyone was happy again!... Except Ms. Fredrickson... "Oh god, I don't get paid enough for this..." she said rubbing the bridge of her nose. "Well, that was crazy" I said looking out the window "Yeah, but Adam deserves that for messing with Katie" F/n said with a chuckle, as I smiled "Yeah, you don't mess with her unless you have a Deathwish" F/n gave me a smile before looking forward "Yup, anyway I think we're almost there" " Oh gosh, Yass! " I said bouncing in my seat, as I saw the sign for Oddworld ahead, and even their famous Ferris wheel, in the background "Ohhh Yoo bros!!!!  The parties 'bout to get started!!!!!!" Devon yelled, as everyone cheered as our bus inched closer and closer towards the entrance of Oddworld, when suddenly instead of taking a left like we were supposed to, we took a right. This resulted in everyone to stop cheering, as we went in the wrong direction "Uhh you guys... Was it just me or did we go the wrong way?" Charlie asked, as everyone let out mutters of yesses. "Yeah, this is weird, usually you take a left not a--"


"What the?!- "


My eyes weakly opened. My ears were ringing, and I felt warm liquid dripping down my face. As, I heard muffled crackling and the smell of smoke in the air. I struggled to look up, as I saw the unmoving bodies of my classmates. My friends. I looked behind me to see the bus on fire. My eye's widened in horror as I saw the seemingly lifeless body of my best friend, F/n next to the raging fires, not moving, probably not even breathing. Tears formed in my eyes, as I attempted to get up, but my arms and legs failed me, resulting in me to face plant into the blood-stained grass. My vision became blurrier, as I reached my hand out to F/n, praying that they were alright, praying that they weren't dead, praying that all of this was a dumb prank, that everyone would get up wearing fake blood, and be saying ' Got you Y/n! April fools! ' And I'd yell at them, telling them it wasn't funny! But it never came, everyone was still there, unmoving... I felt my eyes becoming heavy, as I attempted to keep them open, but I failed resulting in me to black out. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2023 ⏰

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