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*Your POV*

I walked into the house after a long day at work. I threw my keys into the bowl on the table before running into the kitchen to see Kellin attempting to make something. I laughed as he turned around with a smile. His lips covered in chocolate and flour. I laughed loudly and walked over to him and kissed his lips softly before licking my own before smiling.
"How was work baby?" He asked, wiping off his face and walking over to me.
"It was boring as usual.. How was your day?" I asked and he gave me a hug also giving my bum a cheeky squeeze. I gasped and laughed loudly, making Kellin grin.
"It was interesting. Baking a cake is difficult." He said frowning slightly. I nodded at him and looking at the mess in the kitchen.
"Let's clean it later!" I said, noticing how messy it was and how lazy I was at the moment. Kellin cleared his throat before turning to me.
"Y/N I need to tell you something...." He said softly before dragging me into the lounge room and standing me near the couch.
"Yeah Kells?" I asked, confused.
"Well... We are going on tour... For 8 months.." He said softly. I gasped loudly and bursts into tears. He immediately wrapped his arms around me, surrounding me in his warm embrace. (Cheesy ass line... Sorry!)

I clutched onto Kellin's as sobs racked through my body and echoed through the lounge room. I buried my face into his and cried as he comforted me, rubbing my back and whispering sweet nothings into my ear.

"Your leaving for 8 months?" I said once my sobs died down to hard gasps of air and the occasional sniff. He pulled me further into his chest and sighed softly. I felt him softly nod and kiss the top of my head.

"I'm sorry baby... But you know I'll call you all the time. You know I love you.." He said. I nodded and laid down, patting the spot next to me. Kellin smiled and laid next to my after taking off his shirt and throwing it onto the hardwood floor. He turned on the TV and putting on Netflix, before clicking on Y/F/M. I smiled at him and kissed his cheek, making him smile down at me and chuckle. We watched the movie, occasionally kissing each other and fiddling with each other's hands.
"I hope you have fun on the tour.." I said quietly.
"I'll have fun. It will just be hard because I'm going to miss you baby." He said softly kissing me once again.
"I'm tired... Wanna go upstairs and sleep?" I asked Kellin with my eyes shut. He nodded and picked me up before carrying me upstairs and placing me on our bed. He laid down next to me and wrapped his arms around me again before pulling me into his chest.

"Goodnight baby.. I love you." He said kissing me passionately before closing his own eyes and softly drifting off into a sleep. I'm so lucky to have him.
" I love you too Kells.."

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2015 ⏰

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