HP_& Runic Animagi (By Kassien)

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HP_& Runic Animagi (By Kassien)



Chapter 1: Apathy

I am back in this muggle hell known as Number 4 Privet Drive, and am already starting to go insane. My walrus of an Uncle, giraffe of an Aunt, and whale of cousin have been surprisingly quiet and left me alone, seemingly taking to heart the warning they received a few days ago from the Order ...well sort of anyway.

They have completely left me alone in my room so far, haven't yelled at me, beaten me, locked up my possessions, or really even acknowledged my presence in their immaculate and very normal house. They have ignored me so well, that it seems they have forgotten I've even come back from school since I have yet to be let out of my bedroom or had a single shitty meal slid through the obnoxious cat flap on my bedroom door. Luckily the bars are off the windows, so Hedwig has at least been able to come and go as she pleases and I can fertilize the plants below my window when nature calls.

It doesn't really bother me much at all, since I have absolutely no desire to interact with my so-called family anyways. But that doesn't really stop the fierce cramping pains that began yesterday when I realized it had been three days since the Hogwarts leaving feast and my last actual meal. It's not like I am not used to being starved by the Dursleys, but this seems a little ridiculous even for them.

Still, it's not like they could starve or beat me to death ... I mean the Prophecy pretty much guarantees that only Voldemort will ever be able to kill me, and kill me He will. I have little to no chance to compete with one of the darkest and most powerful wizards to ever live. I am only fucking fifteen for Merlin's sake ...I have no chance against Voldemort, regardless of what the Prophecy says about being equals or having a power he knows not. It is my death sentence, plain and simple. At least I'd get to see Sirius and my parents if I have to die, hardly a consolation prize.

I have to face the reality that at any moment Voldemort could come and end my miserable life. Why not, He has already killed my entire family and ruined my life, his followers make sure that other friends and acquaintances don't survive long enough to help me either. I just need to accept the fact that my life is forfeit. Over these miserable and extremely boring few days alone at Privet Drive, I have come to several startling revelations that should help prove that my life isn't much of a life at all.

1. Despite fame and fortune, I still have few if any true friends, and am forced to wear ill fitting hand me down rags and can fit all my worldly possessions into a simple school trunk.

2. Nobody sees me as anything other than the Boy-Who-Lived, or someone to be controlled or used.

3. I've been slandered, ridiculed, and vilified by the very community that I am prophesized to save.

4. I've been left in the dark, ignored, and lied to by the greatest Light Wizard of the age simply for the ideal of the 'greater good.'

5. Anyone I care about or get close to will most likely be used against me by Voldemort, and most likely tortured and killed simply for their connection to me no matter how significant.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2013 ⏰

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