6: A Hidden Affair

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Such a handsome man, wide-chested and burly, with curly salt-and-pepper hair which always seemed to be tousled perfectly. He had a Cheshire-cat smile that would engulf his full face, his eyes ever so bright and mischievous. At first, she had rejected his advances with the confidence of a rattled fawn, but he had won her heart and her mind, not to mention her body too. They kept this secret hidden from Mrs Whitechapel but that was frightfully easy.

Unfortunately, her mind had started to deteriorate shortly after their arrival, perhaps moving over and allowing others to care for her home and personal well being took her independence and survival mode setting away.

All she did now was paint. 

Derek and Sundance would meet most evenings by the woods, overcome with lust, committing frightful atrocities until the early morning, in which Sundance would scamper back to her sleeping quarters, always peaking one final glance at him.

They existed solely within Whitechapel, meaning their love had never wandered beyond the borders of their employer's estate. Sundance had come to peace with this, accepting that what they had here was perfect enough for her. They could hoe flower beds until their fingers bled, clean the washing together until they cried with laughter, steal evenings away in the woods until they screamed with passion, latching onto each other for dear life through thunderstorms, heatwaves, hurricanes and droughts. To any outsider, they were perfectly and happily in love.

One night, lying beneath a full moon, Sundance stroked her lover's cheeks, admiring the rough stubble, tracing her fingers across his dimples and cheekbones, genuinely convinced that her life had reached its pinnacle. 

Stealing herself, she finally confided to Derek that she suspected herself to be pregnant and had been daydreaming about the three of them, together as a little family. They could take their child to this very beach, through the forest path. 

They would be looked after at the Whitechapel estate.

'Oh, would you marry me, Derek? We could do this good and proper; the way I've always wanted it. My mother would be rejoicing if she knew,' she giggled, clutching onto his arm as though it were the only thing keeping her stable. 'I'm her only daughter, you see. Oh! I do hope we have a darling little girl, I would be so... Derek?'

The man had stood so abruptly that it knocked her beret askew. She stared after him as he paced wildly, throwing curse words out into the wind. Carefully, she stood and took a couple of steps towards him; he turned and struck her in the face.

'Can't you see, Sundance? I can't marry you, you silly cow! Stop this nonsense about babies, we've been very careful. I can't have you spitting accusations like that! Not now, not ever!'

'But Derek!' she sobbed, throwing herself at him. Her face burned with the contact, but mostly shame and rejection. She clung to him like a dying girl, which she was. Only seventeen. His anger softened. 'Please, Derek, I-I, what do I do?' She wailed. Derek hushed her, looking about them in a panic.

'Okay, okay, listen to me Sunny. I understand you carried certain... expectations about this but I'm afraid it simply cannot be possible. I can't have a baby. I can't marry you,'

'Why not? I love you,' she whimpered, allowing herself to be rocked back and forth like a giant's infant. 'I love you, Derek, why can't you marry me?'

'Darling, I need more time! That is all, of course I love you as well. Let's just... forget this happened, alright? Get rid of the baby, Sun, I'll find you somewhere to get it done,'

She nodded dumbly, her head feeling too heavy for her shoulders. Silent tears streamed down her face, halted only by her lover's jacket collar, where they ran down his shoulder, absorbed by him. He helped her to her feet, kissed her, promised her that they would be okay and try again for a baby when they were in a better place.

She couldn't lose the only one who loved her.

So they came to a civil understanding. 

And Sundance made a promise to herself that night; never to trust a living person again.

Oof, Sundance :( 

This is key for her plot development ;) 

TW!!! for future chapters, there will be mentions of forced miscarriage. Although this is not actually what happens. 

Hope you are well xxx

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2022 ⏰

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