2. Beauty In It's Finest Aura

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   Link began to open the wooden diamond embroidered box and the first thing he saw inside was a blue cloth facial mask, with esoteric-looking symbols on it. Link grasped the cloth to give it a soft caring rub, the mask felt smooth and tranquil. Perfect comfort to wear over one's mouth. He noticed there was more than just the sky blue mask, there was a headscarf and veil of the same color and patterns. "Could it be!" Link thought in a pure dumbfounded state, frantically flipped over the box twisting and turning his peach-colored hands. It is! The outfit was none other than an authentic Gerudo woman's outfit.  Link had always envied the elegant fashion of the Gerudo, especially the tranquil pristine diamonds laced on their necks like bowties.

 Link or should I say "Linkara" went towards their wardrobe and grabbed the light blue padded bra, hanging there like a bandit. (Well how else did you expect them to fit into the dress properly?) "To think these wouldn't have been made without Gannon's defeat," Link said as he put it over his chest, then he jerked behind and tied a fancy bow there. He then tip-toed over to his sand-colored drawer to find panties, and at the bottom drawer there it was his only pair that he possessed. Link stretched his legs out in almost a formation of scissors, then slides them towards the top in an elegant snail-paced manner.  Link thrilled already went to his left to see his colored shadow in the mirror, he admired the refinement of his pose dispensed it felt as if he had already finished. 

But there were ample things to do, so he went towards his bathroom shut it tacitly, then ducked below to the sink cabinets to grab his secret box in the form of a seashell. Inside was a variety of makeup, Link obtained the light blue eyeliner and began to swing in near his eyelids until it looked as though light cake icing was there, He then got the black mascara and began to close his eyes one at a time for each eyebrow until they were thick and darkly visual. Through the mirror Link saw an abnormal face with the top half looking womanly with the enchanting eyes of a dark sorceress, while the lower half reflected an idea of red bloodedness and gashing open scars thrusting air towards the tiny putrid eyeballs in his cheeks. Link knew what this needed, some blush, he grabbed the brush and began dabbing over the tiny eyes till they eventually disappeared out of almost thin air. At last Link's face was now superb and glamourous.

Link put his makeup back in the funky box, then closed the tiny door of Its home. He pulled out of his bathroom then grabbed the diamond-etched wooden box and took another moment to appreciate the sensory of the design. Then brought it with him back into the bathroom, where he got the wardrobe for Linkara tonight for this night would certainly be beyond ordinary.  At first, there was a struggle due to the fact of its varying loose fit, but eventually, he was able to correctly put on the boots and the Sirwal pants. then he began on the top with all its jewelry and what not, as link put it on he felt as though he was breathing through his skin and how pleasantly air flowed into the body, after about half an hour of fitting he can finally be finished with the easiest part, that being the veil. Link took the veil on top of his head then began to transverse the cloth towards his mouth, and now he was finally fully fitted and can now admire Linkara's elegance in the mirror.

Everything about Linkara looked flawless, from the dazzling chains and jewels to the stunning seductive gaze of their eyes, the only issue they could think of would be the hair it looked way too short and masculine to belong to them, they hoped that one day Zelda could be so kind to mentor them on the art. Linkara began to prance around in their room they did this ignorantly until they saw something, the irradiant glow of the moon was so mysterious so gleaming, it gave them a very evil idea. Abruptly they began Contemplating "Hmm should I go out?" They paused for a second but then came to the answer: "Well it certainly been a while since my last adventure, so better grab it while I can." Without any form of a plan, Linkara grabbed their glider and then leaped out the window holding on to it for dear life, then landing five feet down to a bush near the castle. Linkara was now wondering if having the top master bedroom was the best idea.

(For the rest of the story Link/Linkara will be referred to using gender-neutral pronouns, to prevent any future confusion)

Girl in blue: An Gerudo Link TaleWhere stories live. Discover now