Chapter 6

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*Jess's POV*

Finally, after two nights and three days, Daryl messages me saying he just got home this morning. Me and Daryl haven't been 'dating' that long and I'm all ready hooked.

I throw my clothes in a dirty pile, gathering clean ones for after my shower.

Hopping out of the shower, I lazily towl dry my hair. I put my black tank top on, slipping my jean short over-alls on after. I look in the mirror, my blonde hair slightly brown and curly from the shower; I shrug at myself continuing on. On my way out I slip on my convers and grab my truck keys.

My dad had it towed to a near by body shop, they told him it had only died. They gave it a jump start, sending my dad on his way back home.

As I walk up to his door I pull out my phone, letting Daryl know I'm here. I would knock but I don't want Merle answering the late.

The door swings open, "Ya gonna stand on th' porch or ya gonna knock?" Merles leaning on the door eyeing me. "Im waitin' for yer brother."

"Wha'? Ya think imma bite?" He opens and clamps his jaws together while smirking. "Wouldn't doubt it." I give a sigh of relief at the sound of Daryl's voice. Merle roles his eyes and moves out of the way allowing me to come in. He heads to his room as I follow Daryl to his. The farther I get into the house the stronger the smell becomes, a somewhat familiar smell. "Is that--"

"Weed," Daryl chuckles. "Yeah, that's Merle for ya. He does it all.." He trails off near the end.

"So, how was huntin?" I ask, planting myself on his bed. " was okay."

"What'd ya get?"

"Um nothin really." He stays faced away from me fiddling with his crossbow. Who goes hunting for three days and doesn't catch anything? Somethings defiantly wrong here.

"No squirrel.." I get off the bed, nearing him. I stand behind him waiting for a response, but I don't get one. "Daryl?" I walk around the chair he's sitting in, I raise his head. The sun light from the window shines on his face. Busted lip and a bruise on his cheek..

"What happened."

"I-" He started before I cut him off. "And don't tell me yer crossbow hit ya or that ya got in a fight with another hunter." And im one hundred percent serious. His head bows. "Daryl you can talk to me, you have before, why's now so different?"

"Wha' if ya don't like it..?" He sighs. "I'm not gonna like everythin bout you Daryl, just please tell me where ya were. And don't lie, okay?"

He nods slightly, "I-I was drug dealing with Merle.." Drug dealing..really, that's it? I mean it's not a good thing to do but its not that bad. "That's it, drug dealing?"

"It's a lot worse than ya think, Merles into a company or somethin..their dangerous." His voice slightly annoyed from my response. "If somethin goes wrong me and Merle could die, be arrested, they can hurt some one we care about.." Taking what he said a little more seriously, I make him look at me again. "Then why do ya do it?"

He shrugs, "Pay bills, get food, buy huntin stuff.."

Daryl practicaly has to raise himself and take care of his older brother. His dads never home and when he is he beats him and his mom..well I'm not really sure, but nows not really the time to ask. Daryl has to be serious all the time, no time for fun or growing up. What he's to loosin up a little.

I grab his hand, pulling him out of the chair he's sitting in. "Wha are ya-"

"When's the last time you've played a video game?" He gives me a confused look. I chuckle, "Come on. Were gonna have some fun."


I burst through my door still dragging Daryl behind me. My parents are probably home and I kinda haven't told them I have a boyfriend yet..and im hoping they dont find out today. I put Daryl on my bed as I set up my Xbox, I have a ps3 but I don't really use it. "Ya like zombie game?" I wiggle black ops II in the air. "Sure." I put the game in and sit on my bed by Daryl.

He finally gets the hang of it, were currently leaning against my head board with pillows supporting our backs, playing zombies on the map, Nuketown.

Somewhere during this time he had gotten his arm around me, I was about in his lap. In between rounds he pulled me to him so I was in between his legs, my back bressing against his chest. When the next round started his head was hovering above my shoulder, as he was intently killing zombies. Were on round 15 and for him that's far because he's new to the game, there was a croud of zombies chasing him last time I glanced at his screen. All of a sudden his head drops to my shoulder, "Babe, I'm down." He mumbles into the fabric of my shirt. He tenses at his words and I freeze for a second. He didn't seem like the 'babe' type.

I turn to my shoulder where his heads resting, his muscles still tense. At this point I pause the game. He slowly picks up his head from my shoulder, he opens his mouth to say something; but instead kisses me. I squirm to the right a little so I have better access to his lips. I break are lips apart, "Babe is a word I thought I would never here you say." He shrugs and wraps his arms back around me so his controller is in front of mine. I look back at him before unpausing the game.

We make it to round 19 before dying. We turn on Supernatural, my favorite show, because Daryl's never seen it before. We watch a few episode's and before I know it, I'm drifting off to sleep in his arms, forgetting all about my parents.


I wake to a strong pair of arms wrapped around me. "Finally awake?" I look up to blue eyes staring down at me. "Hey.." I yawn. Last night I hadn't even put pjs on or turned off my TV. "Ya think yer parents are awake?"

"I hope not," I chuckle. "We have to get ya outta here before they wake up though."

He slides out of bed, me shortly following. "Not to kick ya out or anything.." I say noticing what I said before was kinda..I don't mean, rushing. "No, I get it. With yer parents and all." I smile knowing that he understands.

Walking down the stairs I notice the house is quiet, if I was lucky my parents were still sleeping. After poking my head around my living room I see know one. I get Daryl to the door, thinking I was safe and my parnets wouldn't find out I had a guy over. Until I hear some one take a loud slurp of coffee, "Mornin' Jess. Who's yer friend?" I hear my dad ask sarcastically and in a, oh so pissed voice.


So I changed the story title to Another Scar..should I keep as that or change it back to Scars Are Forever?

Let me know it the comments! Hope you liked the chapter.

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