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Shinomiya walked down the street, heading back to the culinary school, but stopped when he heard shouting come from a grocery store. A man threw a little girl out, yelling at her to get lost. "Hey, what are you doing, that's a child..."Shinomiya glared walking over. "This little brat tried to steal apples from by store! Stay out of it boy unless you looking for trouble!"The man yelled earning a colder glare from Shinomiya. He slammed money onto the fruit stand, then grabbed a bag of apples, handing it to the girl. "There, now stop yelling at her," Shinomiya glared. He walked away, but stopped when he heard the little pitter patter of feet behind him. He turned, finding the girl standing there, her clothes torn and ragged, dirt all over her body.

"You don't gotta pay me back, go home and share that with your family," Shinomiya says. She continued to follow him, causing things to be awkward. "Didn't your parents ever tell you to not trust strangers?!"Shinomiya demanded turning sharply to the girl. "Parents?"The girl says quietly looking curious about what parents were. He froze, staring at her, his expression softening. "C-Come on, come with me," Shinomiya says. He took her back to his school, getting surprised looks from others at the sight of a dirty girl with him. He snuck the girl into his dormitory, and threw her clothes into the washer, a towel wrapped around the child. He got a bath ready, both of them getting in. Shinomiya washed the girl up, scrubbing her hair then scrubbing his own, getting a bit of dirt and dust out.

"Close your eyes," Shinomiya ordered. The small girl closed her eyes, allowing him to dump water on her head, then dump some on his own head. He got out first, wrapping a towel around his waist, then got her out, wrapping a towel around her. He got her undies out of the dryer, thankful his dorm mates decided not to say anything about the girl in their dormitory. He gave her one of his shirts, allowing her to get dressed. "Why were you out on the streets"Shinomiya asked watching her eat the apples he bought her. "My Mom died from a sickness..I think...and I think my dad vanished..I don't know, I've been alone since I was a year old and walking..."The girl says quietly. "Do you have a name?"Shinomiya asked cutting an apple into slices for her.

She stared at him in confusion, making him sigh. He stared at her, then placed a hand on her head. "Aisha...your name is Aisha now"Shinomiya says. Aisha stared at him, her stomach growling. "First and foremost, we need to get you all filled up"Shinomiya says turning away. A yawn startled him, Aisha resting her head on her arms sleeping away. "How...and so fast as well"Shinomiya frowned. He grabbed his phone, dialing a number. "Kōjiro! How are you!" He sighed, hearing a hum from the woman. "Hi Aunt Penny..."Shinomiya greeted. "What's the matter, you only sigh when there's a problem"Penny chuckled. "Well, for starters, I have a kid"Shinomiya says placing the phone between his ear and shoulder as he moved Aisha to his bed, laying her down.

"I knew you couldn't keep it in your pants"Penny sighed. "NOT MY KID! A ORPHAN!"Shinomiya says quickly, his eyes wide. "An Orphan?"Penny says surprised. "Yes, she had no name so I named her Aisha, and I was wondering if you could take her in"Shinomiya sighed. "Oh sweetie, I don't know, I'm in France right now working for a husband is with me, we won't be back for two months"Penny sighed. "I can take care of her till then..."Shinomiya sighed. ", I didn't expect you to take responsibility so fast Kōjiro"Penny chuckled. "Well, this kid needs someone and she's already attached to me, so why not, besides I'm sure an orphanage wouldn't be too good for her either"Shinomiya sighed.

He ruffled Aisha's hair, smiling slightly when she grabbed his hand, hugging it. "We'll be there in two months tops, don't worry"Penny promised. "Got it, thanks"Shinomiya nodded. He hung up, staring down at the child before him. Tears started to fall down Aisha's cheeks. He frowned, glancing at the door to his room before picking her up, holding her in his arms. He laid down in bed, Aisha sleeping on his chest, sucking her thumb. He pulled the blanket up, a hand on her back so he could feel if she moved, using his other hand to remove her hand on his face. "You're gonna be trouble, I just know it"Shinomiya smiled. He stared at the sleeping girl, before laying his head down on the pillow, sighing deeply. "Well, at least you're cute when you sleep"Shinomiya grinned. He drifted off, unconsciously turning over onto his side, his arms wrapped protectively around the small child.

Aisha woke up, finding Shinomiya gone, looking around. She climbed down off the bed, and opened the room door with some struggle, walking out of the room silently. She found Shinomiya in the kitchen, staring at him curiously. He looked at her and blinked twice in surprise. "You're awake..."Shinomiya says. She walked over, staring curiously at what he was making. "I'm making an apple pie, from some of your apples, I'll buy you more..."Shinomiya says. "Apple pie..."Aisha blinked. He stared at her, then looked away. "You shouldn't be in the kitchen....stay back, I'm trying to cook"Shinomiya says beckoning her away from him.

"Can I cook too, mister..."Aisha asked blinking twice. He stared at her, a small frown on his face before he sighed, pulling a stool up. "Come on, I'll teach you how to cook"Shinomiya beckoned. She climbed up onto the stool, staring at his pie. "Hand me that over there"Shinomiya ordered. She handed him the cinnamon, watching him cook. "Here, I'll teach you how to make lemon bread"Shinomiya smiled putting his pie in the oven. He chuckled, watching as she struggled while they cooked, smiles on their faces, laughter in the kitchen as the duo got messy. He wiped some flour on her nose, laughing with her as she patted her hands on his shirt, getting him all dirty.

Fuyumi came into the kitchen, her eyes widening in surprise, finding Shinomiya asleep with a kid, a loaf of lemon bread with a few sliced off pieces on a plate in front of them. Shinomiya had a hand on the girls back, his head resting on his arm. She walked over, gently shaking him awake. "Kojiro..."Fuyumi says. Kojiro yawned and sat up, keeping his hand on the girls back. "Hm?"Shinomiya muttered. "Who's the kid?"Fuyumi asked. "She's Aisha...she's a great cook"Shinomiya responded. "Better take her back to my room"Shinomiya yawned. He picked Aisha up, carrying her back to his room. Fuyumi grabbed a slice of the lemon bread, taking a bite. Her eyes widened in surprise. "This kid has a gift"Fuyumi muttered.

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