Chapter 88. Seventh Year Eleven ☾

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3 updates in a day!!! Well you know what you guys deserve it :))


"The bottles must be at body temperature. No more, no less," Remus said, bouncing Teddy in his arms.

"Yes, I know," Regulus replied, gritting his teeth.

"And he must go down for a nap at one. Otherwise, his sleep schedule will be off."

"I know, Remus."

"And make sure Milton does not go near him without close supervision."

"For the last time, Lupin, we are not naming the kitten Milton." Regulus crossed his arms, scowling. "His name is Romulus."

"I'm sorry, is he your kitten?"

"No self-respecting cat will respond to Milton."

"It's a cat. It won't respond to anything."

"Are you two fighting over the cat's name again?" Sirius asked, closing the door behind him. "I thought we all agreed his name is Elvendork."

"I'm revoking your naming privileges on all future children," Remus said, rolling his eyes.

Regulus glared. "Siri, tell him to stop worrying about leaving his son with me! I have somehow become the official babysitter of Hogwarts. I know what I'm doing.""Sorry, Reggie, but it comes with new parent territory," Sirius said, shaking his head. "If he didn't act concerned, we should be concerned with his well-being."

"He's driving me mad."

"You mean to say you aren't already there?" Remus asked, eyes narrowed.

"I would watch who you insult. You are about to leave your son with me."

"Maybe I'll just take him with me! Siria had her first potions lesson at three weeks. Teddy's older than that."

The deputy headmaster shook his head. "Sorry, Moons, but mini-Moons cannot go with you to DADA. That is a legal nightmare in the making."

"Did you just call my son 'mini-Moons'?" Remus asked, brow quirked.

"Well, you seem opposed to mini-Moony..."

"His name is Theodore Remus Lupin. If you must give him a nickname, you can choose one from the list of pre-approved monikers I sent out to you."

"Did you really need to send it mass owl?" Dora asked, flouncing over the small circle of men currently fighting over a sleeping infant. "I mean, making sure Sirius knows what names he can and cannot call the babe makes sense. Severus does not need limits on it, and I know how some can get about nicknames-let's face it, Nymphadora necessitates them..."

"What are you doing here, Dora?" Remus asked, finally relinquishing his child to Regulus."I still don't have a job and Sev is tired of my sighing in his office. So, he made me his messenger."

"I was unaware the headmaster was in need of a messenger..."

Sirius rolled his eyes. "Come to think of it, that would be dead useful." He grabbed Remus's wrist and began dragging him toward the door. "Now, come along, Professor Lupin. You have defense to teach and I have needles awaiting children to transfigure them into matchsticks."

Remus shook his head, following his friend as they came to the defense classroom. He scowled.

"Why is there a sign that says 'Metamorphmagus-free zone'?"

"Oh, that, I thought Severus would have gotten rid of that by now."

The man in questions growled as he came over to them. "It's charmed to not come off."

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