I love you!

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I love you I would do any thing for you. Yes, you. You can do anything. I love you with all my heart. This is for you.🫵 Only you no one else. Don't think that this is for someone else this is for you. I want to cuddle you in a nice blanket with you favorite things, weather, and food. Just to tell you comforting words. It all right. You deserve the world. Come on get out experience the world. Even if you decide that you cant, you can. Bye wise words of my friend, " you arnt lazy just unmotivated. I will be there to help you to your dreams." So let's explore the work together. I am willing to find you if you want. I want to help you. If it helps here is a way to start feeling better from my experience. Start with being off you phone longer set goals on how long you want to be off you phone/device. Keep extending that time once you can do that much easier. Make it a challenge. If you dont succeed, don't worry just try again and again and again. You will get there. Reminder this is what worked for me. I am still working on it but I'm better than I was. Next tidy your safe space up. Trust me it will make you feel less crowded.finally spend time with more people. I still don't talk much but I am slowly making progress towards more friends. Covid destroyed me I never talked to anyone unless needed and closed off my feelings. You might feel like you need to cry often but can't. So when wanting to cry don't care about others. Cry you need to. I will be there even if you don't know me personally or live somewhere else. I will try to get to you no matter what is in my way. Open my arms for your tears. I love you. Please try and take care of your self remember half your body weight in ounces for water and food is recommended. I love you.💝

I love you. You aren't worthless.💗Where stories live. Discover now