Not your fault

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It's not your fault that might feel lazy. It's not your fault you have insecurities. It's not your fault for having fears. It's not your fault for being you. It's not your fault for feeling greedy all the time. It's not your fault. Life is just made that way. Expectations, beauty standards, fights, and more. There is no easy paths in life so you have to keep going no matter what. Thinking your not good enough. Not your fault. If I could I would want to give everyone what they want and make it easy on them. Even I wish someone could do that for me. Sadly, no one should be able to do that without any help. Instead of making enemies with people help them out. People might put you down but it isn't your fault that you think you aren't good enough. It's life. It's hard. I want to support everyone I can. So even if you are bad at being socal, being positive, focusing, having good grades, or anything that effects you in any way, it's not your fault.

I love you. You aren't worthless.💗Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora