Eh? Where am I?

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I felt a bright light shine into my eyes. I opened them to see the sun?! I firstly needed to identify where I am and how on Earth did I make it on land. We were surround by water and the closest piece of land was at least 20 minutes away by plane..

There was a conveniently located lake that allowed me to see my reflection. Nothing really change, beside my face looking blemish free? Somehow, my hair grew longer, but everything else was the same, like my dark eyes with bangs. I really didn't look out of place. To add on to that, my outfit was just made up of comfy ripped jeans, a white slightly large T-shirt, sneakers, and a few other additional objects.

The funniest thing was that my backpack was also next to me, there wasn't much in it but my credit card, notebook, pens/pencils, a water bottle, loads of snacks that were nonperishable.

Actually.. I should take in consideration that the virus may not even exist in this world, there's no possible way I would've survived without a scratch. Unless this isn't even my world to begin with.

I observed my surroundings, there was an building, it looked like an church? But it was protected by a large, tall, locked gate. The architecture was very similar to Japan's traditional and modern look.

I decided to follow the river in hopes to find someone who can find me, not some church that probably won't ever open their doors to a foreigner like me.

-a few days later-

I found out that I was actually in japan, and for some reason, I understood the language perfectly. I was lucky that japan was such a popular place to visit so awkwardly standing in front of a map, trying to understand it, was normal.

Going past that, the river also changed from a natural river to a more modern dam the closer I got to the city. It turns out in Tsurumi, where I'm currently at, there was a wild tiger siting, A white, angry, furious, beast.

Tsurumi wasn't the only siting of it, or so I've heard. It was also seen at a warehouse in Yokohama. I only planned to make a pit stop here to get some food (that weren't just snacks) and exchange my original currency into yen.

I was interested in this white tiger incident, perhaps my life now will be infinitely more fun than my last one.

word count: 415

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