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I make my way up the stairs to the Hokage office. Most people would expect me to go home first to see my family, but that's not happening. The only person I can tolerate in that household is Sasuke. Sakura is too clingy and annoying, and Sarada is just... Sarada. She's either pretending to care or just ignoring me altogether. I need to avoid her if I can.

Plus, I only talk and hang around with people who intrigue me. It fascinates me to watch how people control—or fail to control—their feelings and emotions. It's almost like a game, figuring out what makes them tick. Some people are like open books, while others keep everything locked up tight.

It's around six-thirty. Dinner should be happening about now, but I'm not going home. Not that it matters; Sakura probably forgot about me by now. I'd rather be at my place. It's way more interesting and a lot less complicated at my real home. 

The only exception is Kawaki. But even he might have forgotten about me by now. The thought stings a little, but I push it away. I can't let my emotions take over, or else... well, you know what happens when I lose control.

Katsushikki can take over, and things can get ugly. I don't want to put anyone in danger, especially Kawaki.

I reach the Hokage's door and sense four presences inside. I recognize three of the chakra signatures, but the fourth one is new to me. I don't bother knocking—I just walk in. All eyes turn to me as I enter. I focus my gaze on Lord Hokage, ignoring the others for now.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Boruto and Kawaki standing near the entrance. They both move to the side with looks of surprise when they see me walk into the room. The fourth person is a woman about Kawaki's age, and she's clinging to Kawaki's arm.

My heart sinks, and a pang of jealousy stabs at me. Who is she? Why is she so close to Kawaki? I didn't expect to feel this way, but seeing them together hits me harder than I anticipated. I can't let it show, though. I need to stay calm, stay focused.

Boruto looks like a carbon copy of Sasuke, while Kawaki looks... different. He's grown a lot since I last saw him—at least six foot tall, baggy black pants, a deep purple shirt, and a white coat. And a staff—no, a boe. It's a weapon used by Jigen, and it's dangerous in skilled hands.

"You know, you should really knock," Boruto says, rubbing the back of his head, trying to break the tension.

"Hn, yeah, whatever, like I care," I say with indifference, keeping my eyes on Kawaki and the woman by his side. "I just came to let you know that I'm back." Then I turn to the Hokage. "Also... what surface in this room appeals to you, Lord Hokage?"

"Um, appeals to me? I don't know—"

"Whatever," I say, cutting him off. I crouch down and let my fingers skim the floor, leaving a faint trace of my Flying Rajin seal. It's subtle, barely noticeable to anyone who isn't paying attention. I stand back up, satisfied with the placement.

"I would've given you my Kunai, but who knows where you would have put it," I say, my tone a mix of annoyance and sarcasm. "Besides, this way, I can teleport back whenever I need to."

"Y/n! I can't believe you're back! I mis—" Boruto says, rushing toward me, but I cut him off before he can finish.

"Yeah, whatever you say. At the end of the day, it's just words to me," I reply, sitting on the Hokage's desk and crossing one leg over the other. I don't mean to be harsh, but the years away have made me wary of people's words, especially when they come so easily.

"So, how was your mission?" Boruto asks, trying to keep the conversation light. I give him a confused look, trying to remember what mission he's talking about.

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