Ch 329: Arcadia's Fall (4)

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A battle ensued.

In a chaotic entanglement with the Orcs, Gyro clenched his teeth.

‘If this is the case, everything will be annihilated.’

Cliff behind.

The only path was blocked by Graxxar.

In a situation where the orcs were overwhelmed with both the strength and the number of individuals, the scene that unfolded in front of them was not hopeful.

Suddenly, Sebastian’s request came to mind. if the operation fails.

He said that by sending the troops back somehow, when Roman Dmitry arrived in the Luna Kingdom, the spark of reversal could be saved.

‘ I’m really sorry.’

A belated regret ensued.

Knowing that Mercury was the best, he could not escape the screams of those dying outside the walls.

The vault is sacred land.

Saying they couldn’t give away the land and food that Isabel had blessed, those who remained to protect it rolled over the floor, leaving only fragments of bones.

The horror at that time was indescribable.

When he looked down at the flesh adhering to the bone fragments, Gyro vowed to take revenge by any means possible.



Graxxar was smarter than expected, and deliberately targeted the Yeti territory and induced the Gyro’s trap.


Quiet rumble.

It caused an aura.

He gripped the sword strongly, and put a bloodline around his neck.

“I will open the way! When you give the order, then run away without looking back!”

There was no other way.

I had to open the way.

Gyro ran quickly.

It is possible to get your feet stuck in the thick snow, but the feet that spread mana gained momentum as they lightly stepped on the snow.

It was amazing mana control.

In a snowy space, every movement required delicacy, and the experience of the gyro shone in the snow.


Quiet rumble.

Aura exploded.

As the orcs rushed at them with their ferocious teeth, their white auras slashed through their bodies.



A terrible scream rang out.

Gyro cut off the chest of the first orc that attacked him, and then immediately blew his head so that he couldn’t scream any more.

And then I quickly followed the steps.

Seeing the Orcs rushing as if to avenge their companions, they lightly stepped on the snow and dug into their loopholes momentarily.



He cut off his arm and broke his heart.

The aura seemed to freeze in the extreme cold, but the sharpness of the aura was amplified with the appropriate warmth.

Slightly frozen blade of aura. The cut surface that touched it quickly froze.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2022 ⏰

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