She Was Wrong About Them

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Brooklyn Bella Gatina

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Brooklyn Bella Gatina

The rest of my day yesterday consisted of me crying and feeling sorry for myself. Vivian stayed with me and took care of me. I woke up the following morning and I felt drained, no strength or motivation to do anything. My eyes were puffy and red from all the crying and lack of sleep I got the night before.

I couldn't even begin to wrap my head around the events of yesterday, it felt like a horrible dream. The knock on my bedroom door brought me out of my head. "Come in," I groaned as I wrapped myself in blankets. My door opened and Vivian made her way into my room still in her pajamas with two large mugs of hot coffee. She hands me one as I sit up and she sits on the edge of my bed. "How are you feeling gorgeous?" She looked at me.

I sighed. "I've been better." I felt numb but I couldn't wallow and feel sorry for myself, I had work at Karen's Cafe today with the two people I didn't want to see at all. I looked over at the clock on the bedside table knowing I had to put on a brave face and get myself ready. I groaned as Vivian gave me a knowing look.

I stood up, "Well I gotta get ready for work," I smiled softly at her, "thanks for the coffee. I needed it." Vivian grabbed my cup of coffee and I watched as she exited my room. At least I still had her as a friend. I sighed to myself as I laid out my good pair of high waisted black skinny jeans, a white long sleeve v-neck shirt plus undergarments.

I also put out my non-slip combat boots. I hurriedly hopped into the shower quickly washing myself off before getting out and wrapping a towel around my body and drying off. I changed into the outfit I laid out earlier and blowed dried my hair dry and brushed it out before curling it to add some volume and texture before pulling it into a high ponytail leaving out pieces to frame my face, I did some light makeup and sprayed some perfume on myself.

I brushed my teeth and looked up at myself for a second in the mirror. I could do this. I had to do this. I took a deep breath as I put my favorite gold necklace on which had my initials on it. My father gave me it for my seventh birthday and though him and I weren't the closet, on days like these I wore and it brought me comfort, like a protection and support of some sort was with me as long as I had this necklace on. I grabbed my jacket, purse, phone, keys, wallet, my sketch pad and sketch pencils then hurriedly went dow the stairs, heading out the door.

I could hear Grayson trying to say something to me before I closed the door but I just wanted to get this day over with.

I sat in my car outfront of Karen's Cafe for a minute taking a deep breath and pulling myself together, putting on my game face, looking at myself through the rear view mirror, "Brooklyn Gatina, you are strong, you got this. Don't show them your weakness, do your job and get through today without crying, just ignore them." I repeated that little peptalk to myself about ten times. Finally, I applied my lipgloss, threw it in my purse and got out of the car.

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