Day 1

57 0 0

25th October 2022



Dear Diary, today was my first day at the hotel I told you about a while back, H. House Hotel. I think that's what its called? I don't quite remember what the first H stands for, but perhaps its for 'Hell-Are-We?... I seriously didn't expect it to be so far from, well, everything! I'm only traveling within the country, but it feels like I've bordered into Scotland with the way it took the bus the entire day to get up here. Surprisingly, they also make you start on the first day of arrival, so I guess it was for the best that I missed most of the day?

Anyway, I got here around five in the afternoon, it was quite dark outside - unsurprisingly, the year is coming to an end, it's just a shame I didn't get to see the hotel properly from the outside for a first impression. From what I could see though, it was very large and dark. I couldn't tell which part was stone, brick, or wood. The front door was huge as well, the lights didn't do much but I could tell it was a sort of green colour. It seemed polished.

I thought about knocking, but decided to open it instead. Suddenly (!!!), the door opened itself, or so I thought. There he was, my new boss, Mr. ... Bill? Dean? Ah, Beetle Bob! Actually, that wasn't his real name. He had said it once and said it again today but it's quite exotic, so I always forget... that's my mistake, but as long as he doesn't peek inside here, he will never know! I could only address him as sir from now on until I ask someone about it.

As I was saying, he opened the door before I could. With a large smile he spoke to me for the first time in person:
"Well, well, look who it is! We've been expecting you and here you finally are"
I couldn't help but notice his funky hairstyle, he speaks with an accent so maybe it's trendy in his home country? I would imagine it required a lot of hair gel.
"Sir, how did you know I was standing outside? The walls are quite thick, you couldn't have heard the bus!"
"That? Oh, but what else would the cameras be for if not to look through them?" He asked me.
But the thing is, I didn't see any cameras! I guess it really was that dark outside.

He took me by the wrist and dragged me inside, closing the door behind us.
"Welcome, welcome! Oh please keep a hold of your bags, our porter is on vacation. That Damien, I swear I will... Whatever! Come, come! Meet our receptionist"

Beetle Bob lead me through a second door past a pair of stairs into the reception. At the front desk sat a woman I only assume was a couple years older than me. I don't think the lights inside were working very well, they made her complexion that of a cooked Brussel sprout. She had short, brown hair and really noticeable dark circles... I guess being a receptionist must be tiring?

"Welcome!" Her cold expression instantly changed as she noticed us standing there in front of her, she put down the magazine she was reading and spat out her cigarette - much like a cartoon character.
"Hey, my name is-"

"C'mon boy, we don't have all day!" Beetle Bob interrupted me, once again dragging me with him by firmly grasping my arm.

We walked back out of the reception and up the stairs onto the second floor. This is when I was shown to my room. It's quite strange for staff accommodation to be mixed in with that of the rooms for customers, but I guess it makes sense considering the layout of this building - I think its a renovated mansion? My room was quite small, with a simple bed, desk and a wardrobe containing the uniform. Oh! And a small bin besides the bed. I'm not complaining, it is rather cosy, but the walls remind me of a hospital, really simple and made of stone (from what I could tell).

"Since its your first day, head downstairs and look out for any guests. You can fill in for the porter until tomorrow. Can you believe it? I had to do that today! No matter, you're here now" Beetle Bob told me, leaving me alone in the room but peeking his head in through a small gap in the door just to say "So... get to work. Now".

I figured I would just unpack later since I hadn't brought much with me to begin with, and headed to the first floor, down the stairs. I made my way to the reception.
"Hey, I didn't get to properly introduce myself..." I began, trying to start up a conversation with the receptionist.
"I'm Nancy, I'm quite busy, can't you let me be?" She said, once again holding the magazine she had previously tossed with a new cigarette burning in her mouth.
"Oh alright..."

I sat down in one of the chairs, trying to stay awake in the deafening silence that filled the room. It was quite awkward, but before I knew it, some time had passed with no sign of any new customers coming in. The lights started to flicker, and although Nancy seemed unfazed, I decided I should go and look for lightbulbs, since I wasn't doing much anyway. I hadn't noticed it before, but there was an elevator on the right, beside the reception desk. From what I remember from the virtual map I received (via email when I got accepted for this job), it seemed like there was some sort of cleaners room on the first floor, actually, quite close to my own assigned room. I figured it would've been quicker for me to take the elevator instead of walking. Good thing I'm an employee, otherwise I could get in trouble in case this wasn't for customers to use.

I pressed some buttons and BANG! The elevator instantly opened. The lighting was much better inside but the mirror appeared quite fogged over. The interior itself was very clean, sparkling even! I eventually arrived on the first floor and headed towards the little room across the hallway. I was quite surprised, turns out the elevator was right behind my room and I didn't even notice when I had initially went with Beetle Bob. I'm glad the cleaner's room was well organised otherwise I might've had trouble finding these lightbulbs, luckily the door was unlocked so I had no problem getting into the room. I decided to take the same elevator downstairs to the ground floor.

"Where did you go?" Nancy asked, appearing quite annoyed.
"To the cleaners room, for lightbulbs!"
"What would you need lightbulbs for? They were changed just a few days ago, look how bright they are!" Nancy said, she got up out of her chair and pointed to the lights.
"So they are..." I looked towards the ceiling, maybe my eyes hadn't adjusted properly from the outside lighting to that of the building, I could've sworn they flickered before?
"I didn't hear you walking up the stairs?" Nancy said, sitting back down and reaching for her magazine.
"Oh, I took the elevator!"
"The elevator? What elevator? It hasn't been fully installed yet, that's in after new years plan" Nancy said.

This confused me quite a bit, huh? I looked back behind me to point towards the elevator but she was right... It was just a brick wall stripped of wallpaper. That bus journey must've really messed with my head, so many sleepless hours are making me hallucinate? Ah, first the lights now I'm mistaking a short stair journey for an elevator? That's probably why I didn't see an elevator when Beetle Bob lead me to my room - because there is no elevator! Now that she mentioned it, I did also feel a little physically tired at that moment, my guess would be from walking up and down the stairs.

"Hey, there aren't anymore reservations for tonight, and my shift ends soon. Just go back to your room, we'll just let the night auditor handle the rest" Nancy suggested - it sounded like something I needed just about now.

I headed back to my room upstairs. This time, my door appeared to be locked - Ah, another obstacle. My memory must really be failing me today, because when I reached into my pocket there was a pair of keys. When did Beetle Bob give me these?

When I opened the door, there was a small packaged meal standing on my bedside table. One whiff of the smell though and I knew it wasn't to my liking. I felt bad but I threw it out. When I went for a quick shower before bed, I could've sworn I heard sounds of an elevator being used, but then again, it was probably water passing through the pipes as I, you know, showered. Well anyway that was all fine and dandy, and here I am sitting in bed now writing to you. Well, I suppose I should go to sleep now, I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow.

Goodnight, Diary.


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